- 30: Keeping People “Safe” as the Excuse to Censor/Control the Narrative, Perception of Reality, and Life
- 29: TV Show Psy-Op Depicting ‘Sovereigns’ as Anti-Government Conspiracy Nut Jobs
- 26: Do what we say or millions will die!
- 26: Why do we do what others in power tell us to do?
- 26: Heavy Plastic Use is Driving Pollution and Declining Health
- 25: Free Speech, a Requisite to Increase Freedom and Lessen Tyranny
- 23: Coronavirus Fear-Program to Control Humanity
- 30: Inspiration from Destruction, and the False Ideology of “If You Have Nothing ‘Nice’ to Say Then Don’t Say Anything at All”
- 29: ‘Balance’ Isn’t What It’s ‘All About’ – Don’t Balance Right with Wrong, Good with Evil
- 27: What’s in a Real Family, Community or Society?
- 26: Let things fix themselves? Everything auto-corrects? No, people make things change.
- 25: Pride and loyalty from identity attachments
- 23: Tyrants dish out death to solve their problems
- 22: The pain of losing what we hold dear
- 20: What would you sacrifice to change your life or the world for the better?
- 19: You can do anything, as long as you don’t get caught
- 18: Aiming for Zero Waste Living
- 17: Who wants change?
- 16: Where does the time go?
- 15: The Checkerboard Floor: Walk in the Path and Way of Good, Evil, or Both
- 14: A Run on the Bank
- 13: The Limits of Ownership
- 12: Trusting Certifications, Keeping People Honest
- 11: How are you? How are you doing? How are you feeling?
- 10: Competition and Cooperation, Winning and Losing
- 09: The people casting votes are validating the value of that content
- 07: “At Least I’m Doing Something!”
- 06: Being Individually Moral but Forced to Live Among Collective Immorality
- 31: Bullies, the Tyranny of Authority and the Abuse of Power
- 23: The Price to Pay for Abandoning Moral Commitments
- 18: Etymology and the Magic of Words
- 16: Wisdom of the Crowd – Is it Crowd Wisdom or Group Think?
- 15: What is a Principle?
- 13: Ravens Remember Getting an Unfair Deal and Who Did it to Them
- 12: Authority Levels Can Shift, But Individuals Are Always Subjugated
- 09: Babies Can Grasp Fairness and Correlate it with Sharing
- 08: How to Change the World? Understand What and Why We Are Doing What We’re Doing
- 04: We are Hard-Wired to Follow the Easier Path with the Least Resistance
- 02: The “Feel-Good” Pleasure-Trap Focus
- 28: How Does the Brain Value Moral Choices?
- 26: Civilization’s Vertical Affinity – Does Civilization Inevitably Need to Keep Building Up?
- 25: Social Norm Pressured Sharing vs. Voluntary Sharing
- 24: The False Appearance of ‘Good’ Prevents Action to Change for the Better
- 23: How Real is the Cash-Crunch for Global Control?
- 22: Ego Comforting and Uncomfortable Truths
- 21: Common Acceptance of Fairness and Harm Values Drive Intergroup Tolerance
- 19: Caring for Right Over Wrong
- 18: Thought Crimes on the Rise! Is it Right or Acceptable to be Coerced into Using or Not Using Certain Words?
- 17: Speak Truth to Create Change
- 12: Does Competition in News or Information Markets Promote Truth?
- 11: What is Belief?
- 09: Can the Scientific Community Better Respond to ‘Fake News’ in Science?
- 08: How Emotions Manipulate People Into Accepting or Rejecting Information
- 05: More Accurate Global Pollutant Model Shows 4x the Cancer Risk
- 03: Nonhumans Can Judge Human Cooperation and Reciprocity
- 02: The Infatuation with “Positivity” and Doing “Good”
- 01: Learning About Self-Interest and Cooperation from AI Matrix Game Social Dilemmas
- 31: Caring for Truth and the Responsibility to Learn
- 30: Perceived Power and Authority from Wearing a Police Uniform Affects How We View Ourselves and Others
- 29: My “Freedom”, My “Truth”, My “Life” and My “Survival”
- 27: Great Ideas? Average Events? Small People?
- 26: The Influence of the Attraction Effect on Making Decisions
- 24: What is Good or Evil? The Good and Evil Continuum, Spectrum, Scale or Degrees
- 20: Pets Can Provide More Companionship to Children than Siblings
- 16: The Four Elements and the Elemental Quaternity of Life
- 11: Hasty Decisions Reduce Accuracy – The Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off
- 11: Political Correctness Blinds People From Reality
- 09: What Makes Some Smart People so Skeptical of Science?
- 08: Learning About Immorality Leads to More Morality
- 04: Is the West ‘Dying’ from Lower Fertility Due to ‘Intelligence’?
- 03: What are borders? Are they allowed?
- 02: The Brain and Consciousness
- 30: Disabled Rooster Helps At-Risk Children
- 28: When Will the Tyranny and Corruption End? When We Choose to No Longer Support It
- 25: Characters and Our Character – The Etymology of Morality
- 24: Scientific Community Ignoring Synthetic Chemical Impacts on Global Change
- 24: Is the Mainstream Media Really Fair and Balanced?
- 21: Understanding What is Right, Good, and Moral is Our Responsibility
- 20: Psychological ‘Vaccine’ to ‘Inoculate’ People from Accepting ‘FakeNews’
- 19: Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot
- 18: Is the World Reducing Consumption of Materials (Dematerialization)? Research Says No
- 17: Ground Children, Cage Adults
- 15: Consciousness, Causality & Free Will – Aggregately Sowing and Reaping Our Collective Reality
- 13: Changing Minds is Hard, Especially When Identity is Attached to a Belief
- 12: Know Thyself – The importance of understanding the functionality of consciousness, psyche, mind, self, etc.
- 11: The Happiness Delusion
- 10: Infatuated with Ideas and Beliefs
- 09: Windows of Perception
- 07: Is There a “Natural” Law We Can Recognize?
- 06: Some Complexities about the Word “Natural”
- 11: Alchemical Inner-Work – Clean Our Houses Like a Warrior (Updated-v2)
- 10: Grow Food, Not Lawns – Future Possibilities
- 09: Why Do Some People Bully Others and Enjoy Creating Misery and Suffering?
- 08: Are You the Author and Authority of Your Authentic Life?
- 08: Trinity of Consciousness Symbolism
- 01: Life and Death, Immortality, and Fear. No Death = No Life.
- 01: How Much Do You Care? Kind, Kin, Genus and Care (v2)
- 16: Seeking Truth and Morality Comes from the Core of Who We Are
- 15: Our Universal Duty and Privilege
- 14: Humbling Ourselves Heals Humiliation
- 13: Reaping What We Sow – Insulated Bubbles of Reality (v2)
- 12: Standing Up and Standing Out – The Fear of Ostracism is Worse than Death
- 11: The Ben Franklin Effect – Cognitive Biases (Pt.13)
- 10: Cheerleader Effect – Cognitive Biases (Pt.12)
- 09: Bias Blind Spot – Cognitive Biases (Pt.11)
- 08: Belief Bias – Cognitive Biases (Pt.10)
- 07: Do we always know what is going on in our minds?
- 06: Beliefs – A Short Introduction
- 04: Detecting Misinformation Improves Memory Recall and Life
- 03: Unity Consciousness (v2)
- 02: Standing Up for What is Right, Good and True, is Standing Up for Yourself
- 28: The Power of Unbecoming, Apophasis and Wei Wu Wei – Empower Yourself to Change, and Change the World!
- 25: Can we handle the full freedom and responsibility of anarchy? Not yet… but we can learn to!
- 22: Learn from Falsity
- 08: Keep Your Head Down, Don’t Rock the Boat!
- 06: Until we get it, we just don’t get it… truth takes time, I learned that reality
- 02: Are We Really Living Our Own Lives?
- 29: Conspiracy Reality: Governments Are Involved in Drug Dealing
- 26: Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary and Commemoration is Dec. 7th – But… Why Did It Really Happen?
- 25: Why Were 2 Nuclear Bombs Used in WWII?
- 23: Conspiracy Reality: Big Brother is Watching You
- 21: TV is Mind Control through Physiological and Psychological Manipulation
- 19: Post-Truth – Orwellian Newspeak Arrives in the Oxford Dictionary (Spouse of FakeNews)
- 17: FakeNews is the FakeNews: It’s a Smokescreen to Discredit Truth
- 12: The Theory of Mind Confirmed in Apes
- 08: The Veil of Good that Evil Hides Within
- 07: Tell-Lie-Vision – How Fake the “Real” News Is
- 01: What is the Blockchain, Blockchain 2.0, and Steemit? Building the Future!
- 26: Availability heuristic – Cognitive Biases (Pt.4)
- 22: Learn to Let Go. Objective Detachment – Psychology (Pt.2)
- 18: Influence, Distraction and Complexity in the Age of Information
- 17: Democracy – Power to … What People?
- 15: Attentional Bias – Cognitive Biases (Pt.3)
- 14: Cogs in the Machine – Willing Slaves to Feed the Golem (Updated-V2)
- 14: Is Killing the Same as Murder? (Updated-V2)
- 13: The Origin and Future of Economics – Time, Attention and the Attention Economy
- 10: Is Ignorance the Same as Nescience?
- 10: Reality, Unreality, Magic and Sorcery – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.10)
- 08: Minimum Wages – To be or not to be…
- 06: Do you give people what they want?
- 01: Mind Control and Seeking Truth
- 01: Anchoring or Focusing Effect – Cognitive Biases (Pt.2)
- 29: Buying Into Products – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.9)
- 27: Definitions, Confusion and Chaos – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.8)
- 26: Ambiguity Effect – Cognitive Biases (Pt.1)
- 26: Is Force the Same as Violence?
- 25: Who Are You? Who We Are, Know Thyself – Psychology (Pt.1)
- 23: The Story of Matter and Nature, the Mother’s Womb
- 22: Shatter, Destroy and Stop the Falsity
- 21: Mr. Robot Analysis of S02E01 – The Illusion of Control
- 20: What is Truth – The Importance of Truth in Life
- 19: True Unity is Based in Morality
- 17: Unity and Knowledge
- 16: The Importance of Time and Thinking
- 15: Care for Truth – The Great Work
- 15: Moral Law Alchemical Distillation Symbolism
- 14: Exceeding the Limits of Interaction in a Community Leads to Control
- 13: Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy and Suffering – Bearing Good and Evil
- 12: Master of a Name (Word Symbol Magic) – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.7)
- 11: The Magic of Definition, Symbols and Language – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.6)
- 10: Trivium, Language, Symbols, Metaphysics and Reality – Power of Consciousness (Pt.5) and Philosophy (Pt.2)
- 10: Existence, Consciousness and Axioms of Truth – Philosophy (Pt.1)
- 09: Admit Wrong, then Imagine Better
- 08: Thoth (Thought), the Great Magician – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.4)
- 06: Magic, Maat and Morality – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.3)
- 05: The Power of Consciousness – Magic, Abracadabra and the Word (Pt.2)
- 03: Magic, Abracadabra and the Word – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.1)
- 02: The Power of Consciousness – Empower Yourself with Truth
- 01: The Power of Consciousness – Magic, Magicians and Sorcerers
- 30: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
- 28: Do You Know Yourself? Do You Heal Yourself? The Wisdom of Right-Action
- 27: Be Right or Go Wrong – Ahimsa and Justice
- 26: Rejecting Reality? Maybe You’re Engaging in Cognitive Dissonance!
- 25: Change the World by First Changing Ourselves
- 22: Moral Law, Consciousness and Trivium Method Chart Updated
- 24: Authority, Authorship and Authenticity
- 24: Thanks for all the Errors
- 24: Previous Work Attachments vs. New Corrected Work
- 23: Truth? Belief? How do you know?
- 23: Infinite Regress and Progress
- 22: What Needs to Change is Consciousness
- 22: Primacy of Existence vs. Consciousness Summaries
- 22: Learning Tip – Verify the Depth of Your Convictions
- 21: Language, Reality and the Trivium Method
- 18: Infection of Belief
- 17: Questions, Answers and Beliefs
- 01: Ka-Maat, Karma, Wheel of Life
- 31: Your Current Condition
- 25: Ignoring the Limits of Interactivity Breeds Control
- 22: Living, Experience, Action, Choice, Emotion
- 18: The Moral Baseline for the Right Way
- 17: Actors Putting on a Show
- 11: Carnist Reality Management – Self-Cast Spell
- 11: Dark Rhetoric Addendum
- 05: Metaphysics, Language and Reality: Fundamentals of the Trivium Method
- 03: Plants Are Not Animals – Connect to Reality
- 03: Moral Depth – Who’s Freedom?
- 03: Truth is Free
- 02: Hard Questions
- 02: Time, Attention & Learning the Moral Baseline
- 01: “Unity! Unite! Do It NOW! NOW!” Think About It First
- 01: Thinking and Learning – Path to Freedom
- 01: Alchemy, Spirituality, Morality & Right-Action
- 30: Logic – Language and Reality Pt.5
- 27: Trauma, Abuse, Victims, Suffering and Psychopathy
- 26: “Priest” Controllers (book excerpts)
- 26: The Science of Imagery (book excerpt)
- 21: Dark, Negative and Limited Trivium – Language and Reality Pt.4
- 18: Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic – Language and Reality Pt.3
- 18: Importance of Thought Continued (book excerpt)
- 16: Modalities of Thought – Language and Reality Pt.2
- 14: Trivium in Reality – Language and Reality Pt.1
- 12: Words, Reality and Proportions
- 12: Time, Freedom and Thought – Importance of Thought (book excerpt)
- 12: Survival, Choice and Morality
- 11: Senses for Input of Reality, not Technology
- 07: Tracing Reality – The Visionary Quest to Wisdom
- 03: Characters and Our Character
- 02: Axioms, Existence, Consciousness and Identity
- 01: Kind, Kin, Genus and Care
- 30: “I have the right…”
- 29: Assumption and Presumption
- 28: Psychopathy – Might is Right
- 27: Moral Right and Moral Relativism
- 27: Thoughts Don’t Simply Create Reality
- 27: Face the Mirror, Blame Yourself, Not Me for Speaking Truth
- 26: Care for Truth, Inner-Work, Remove Evil and Harm
- 25: Quality Truth and Distractions
- 25: Irresponsibility – Can’t Admit Wrong
- 24: Infatuated and Blinded by the New, Novelty
- 24: Responsibility to Learn – Care for Truth
- 23: Where is the True Freedom?
- 23: Convenience Overrides Morality for Many
- 23: Belief in Bullshit
- 23: Belief From Input Only (Grammar)
- 23: “Don’t Tell Me I’m Immoral!”
- 23: Dependence for Survival is Slavery, not Free Market
- 22: Free Market Selling and Buying of Immorality
- 22: Bearing Good and Evil
- 22: Words and Encrypting Reality
- 22: Abracadabra
- 22: The Power of Definition – Master of a Name
- 22: Don’t Talk About Veganism?
- 22: Weapons
- 21: Uncomfortable Truths
- 16: Speak About Human Immorality Towards Animals
- 12: Reality, Unreality and Magic
- 09: Walking Onto the Wrong Path
- 09: Be the Change You Want to See. Is That All?
- 09: “You MUST Meditate!” LOL
- 09: “Progress”
- 09: Moral Ownership
- 09: Survival with Technology
- 08: Family, Ownership and Slavery
- 08: Service to Truth vs. Service to Ego Attachment
- 08: Ignorant Bliss – The Standard of Living
- 08: Personal Attachment and Morality
- 08: Family, Culture, Tradition and Immorality
- 08: Happiness and False Living
- 08: Objective Detachment (Addendum)
- 07: True Freedom and Peace
- 07: Ignorance and Life
- 07: Oneness and Unity
- 07: False Choices, Lesser Evil, Controlled Reality
- 06: Natural Law Causal Agents and Pressure
- 06: Judgments and Reality
- 05: Belief and Disbelief
- 04: Analogy, Balance and In Between
- 03: Why Carnism? (Not Why Veganism)
- 03: Definitions, Confusion and Chaos
- 03: Bullshit Alien Focus, Ignore Natural Law Truth
- 01: Seek Truth and Morality
- 01: Objective Detachment
- 31: Pseudo-Spiritual “No Blame”
- 31: Ease of Living
- 30: Order-Followers and Carnism
- 29: Unity and Knowledge
- 28: Left and Right-Brain Aversion to Judgments
- 22: Meditation
- 17: Mind and Heart, Left and Right Brain
- 15: Good and Evil in Being
- 14: Hijacking Goodness
- 14: Falsity and Evil, Pt.2 – Addendum on Neutrality
- 12: Falsity and Evil
- 30: Destruction and Harmony
- 30: The Problem-Solution Ignorance Loop
- 29: Attachment to Social Integration Prevents the Removal of Evil
- 29: Knowledge, Memories, and Evil
- 29: Solitude and Social Conformity
- 29: Transcendentals – Truth, Love, Good, etc.
- 27: True Happiness
- 27: Why is Veganism Important in Awakening and Ending Evil?
- 27: Economic Survivability – A Trap to Slavery
- 27: “Veganism” is NOT the United Nations or New Agers
- 23: Musings on Intuition & Logic
- 23: Infatuating Ideas: Addendum
- 23: Attempts to Dismiss Wrong-Doings
- 22: Betterment, Wrong and Fear of Truth
- 22: Correspondences and Imbalances
- 22: Just a Journey?
- 22: The True Self Seeks Truth & Morality
- 21: The Philosopher’s Stone
- 18: On Nonhuman Slavery
- 16: Duty and Privilege
- 15: Psychopathic Living
- 15: Humble and Humiliate
- 15: Pleasure Trap Life Mottos Addendum
- 14: I do not support “gradualism” that targets symptoms
- 14: Why Does Nothing Change?
- 14: Amazing Grace
- 14: Pseudo-Skepticism, Doubt & Certainty
- 14: The Means Are The End
- 12: Spectrum of Living
- 09: Natural Law Boundary Conditions
- 08: True Enlightenment Does Not Equate to Perfection
- 08: True Enlightenment – The Great Work
- 19: The System is Constructed to Perpetuate Wrongs
- 17: Matter
- 17: Caring Enough to Take Real World Action
- 17: Get Real, Get Grounded, Get Natural Law
- 15: Let’s Just Meditate and Change the World
- 15: The Real Prayer of Serenity
- 15: The Problem With The World Is People Are Not Saying What We Should Do
- 15: True Forgiveness
- 15: Moral Obligation to Speak Truth and Morality to Others
- 15: You’re WRONG About What You’re Doing, It Needs To STOP
- 13: Standing up for Truth and Morality is Standing up for Yourself
- 13: I Wonder How People Actually Think Morality Works
- 13: Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
- 13: True Unity from Non-Contradiction of Aggregate Actions
- 13: Multiplication Through Division
- 13: An Easy Way to Understand How Non-Veganism is Psychopathic
- 11: Pleasure Gratification Life Motto’s
- 10: Belief in Being Moral is Not Actually Being Moral
- 10: Emotional Mind Control
- 10: Natural Law Causal Agents
- 09: The Good and Being Better
- 09: Capital to Capitalism? Mind Control Through a False Proxy
- 09: Attachment to Concepts
- 09: Failure to Realize & Actualize Truth & Morality
- 09: Hamster Wheel – Insulated Bubbles of Reality
- 07: Pleasure Gratification Life-Mottos
- 07: Good and Evil Confusion – Natural Law Causal Agents
- 07: Pseudo-spiritual “Divine Paradox” Phrases
- 07: Subjective Knowledge, Intuition, Insight, Noesis, Gnosis, Nous
- 07: Tell Me What I Want To Hear, Make Me Feel-Good
- 06: My “Freedom” and My “Truth”
- 06: We Are Living “Their” Program of Life & Distractions, Preventing True Change
- 06: Unconscious and Unaware
- 06: Geopolitics and Deeper Root Causal Factors
- 03: Natural Law Alchemical Distillation
- 01: Dependence and Convenience
- 01: Speaking “Truth”? – Did You Verify it First?
- 01: Correcting Our Wrongs – True “Spirituality”
- 01: Wants and Needs
- 01: Spiritually High All the Time? Why?
- 01: The System and Consumption
- 31: The Predatory Dominator System
- 30: Interaction, Friendship, Relationships & Getting Along is Based on Ignorance for Most
- 30: Society and Jobs
- 30: Pleasure and Power
- 30: Plant Purpose
- 30: Interacting with Others in Truth
- 30: Allying and Uniting – Stand for Truth or Comfort?
- 30: Change, Effort and Convenience – Where do you Channel your Energy?
- 30: Alignment with Truth Disconnects from Falsity and Those who Live Falsely
- 30: Desire or Affinity for Fantastic or Wonder
- 30: Be Right or Go Wrong
- 30: Speaking Truth Creates Aversion & Ignorance Towards the Speaker
- 30: Exposure to Fear and Evil
- 30: Behavior in My Presence (Mistakes)
- 30: Truth is the Way
- 30: Evolving Consciousness
- 30: Cosmic Test
- 30: Psychopaths and Murder of Animal Life
- 30: Care for Right over Wrong
- 30: Stand in Truth
- 30: Do you Question?
- 30: Learning from People’s Attachment to Falsity
- 30: Freedom Deteriorated with the Talismanic Power of Money
- 30: Ego Comforting
- 30: Buying into Products
- 30: Silence at the Wall
- 30: Are People Really Growing Up and Maturing?
- 30: Care for Self and Others
- 30: Picking Up After Others, Cleaning Up Their Mistakes (NL)
- 30: Is it Right? (not moral or immoral, but just right)
- 30: Honest Living, How do some people “make” money?
- 30: Substance vs. Appearance
- 27: Insulated Bubbles of Reality
- 26: Perceptual Distractions
- 25: Apophatic, Negative, Deconstructive and Vitriolic Path to Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law
- 25: Pseudo-Spiritual Justifications for Immoral Action
- 25: Appearances Insulate us From Deeper Reality
- 25: Let Someone Else Fix it, I want to Enjoy Life
- 25: The Predator Mind-Virus (basic intro)
- 25: Focus on New Wonder, Ignore & Maintain the Current/Old Disease
- 25: Cogs in the Machine – Willing Slaves to Feed the Golem
- 25: Obsession with Appearances and Cleaning
- 25: Brilliance
- 25: Fear of Truth
- 23: Consciousness Connection Between Humans and Nonhuman Animals
- 23: Polarized Attachments
- 23: Blind to the System of Slavery
- 23: Cleaning Our Houses (Inner-Work, Alchemy)
- 23: Infatuation with Being “Positive” and Doing “Good”
- 23: Align with Principles of Truth to Gain Integrity
- 23: We Judge, Offend and Insult Ourselves by our own Actions
- 23: Mind Control and Truth Seeking
- 23: The Responsiblity of Right Action
- 23: Demon Cratius – Democracy
- 23: Animals and Plants
- 21: Euphemisms Mask, Cloud and Water Down Truth
- 16: Giving people what they “want” is not Care
- 16: Delusions of “Goodness” in Immorality
- 16: Is the human body a killing “machine”?
- 16: Infatuation with Ideas and Images
- 12: Inspiration and Destruction
- 05: Reality vs. Perception – Reality Processing
- 01: Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death
- 30: Alchemical Divorce Pt.2
- 30: Alchemical Divorce Pt.1
- 29: Perception of Reality
- 29: Care for Truth
- 28: Apathy Arising from the Pleasure Trap
- 27: Trinity of Unconsciousness
- 27: Empowering Change
- 26: Unite on the Path We Walk
- 25: How Unity, Integrity, Consistency and Harmony Work
- 23: Unity is Based in Morality
- 20: Causality, Consciousness, Choice and Trivium
- 19: Reality Affection – Man’s will vs. Natural Law’s Will
- 18: Aggregate Sowing and Reaping
- 18: Causality, Consciousness and Choice
- 17: Free Will Choice and Causality
- 15: Unity Consciousness
- 29: Circle of Life
- 28: Building up Truth from a Foundation and Time to Do it
- 28: Why vegan? Feel your compass in life!
- 27: Foundational Living and True Unity
- 25: Veganism: Inventing the NEW NORMAL
- 25: Human Extinction by 2030
- 24: Path to Peace is Through Veganism – Gary Yourofsky
- 18: A Second Look at the Law of Karma – Manly P. Hall
- 18: Language the Use, Misuse and Abuse of Words – Manly P. Hall
- 18: Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them – Manly P. Hall
- 17: Peaceable Kingdom
- 17: Compassion Documentary excerpt
- 17: Why Eating Local, “Less” Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work
- 14: Rant on Gradualism
- 08: Mind Control In America (6 parts)
- 08: PsyWar
- 08: Stanford Prison Experiment
- 08: Milgram Experiment in Obedience
- 08: Human Resources: Social Engineering In The 20th Century
- 08: Consumed – The Human Experience
- 08: A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance
- 08: How To Brainwash A Nation
- 08: Defense Against the Psychopath
- 08: I Am Fishhead – Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?
- 03: Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth 2014
- 01: Natural Law Foundational Living
- 31: The Pleasure Trap
- 31: A Statement from the Animals: Translated from Nonverbal into Verbal Expression
- 31: Nonviolence and Living “A Life Connected”
- 31: The World Peace Diet
- 31: Do you Eat Like You Care
- 31: A Life Connected
- 31: Making the Connection
- 31: Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof
- 31: I WANT What You’ve GOT
- 31: Are Humans Designed To Eat Meat
- 28: The Pleasure Trap
- 27: Conscious Immunity & The War On Health
- 25: 101 Reasons to Go Vegan
- 25: Best Speech You Will Ever Hear – Gary Yourofsky
- 23: Care for Other Beings and Ourselves
- 23: Do No Harm – The Sacred Feminine Embodied in Life
- 21: Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat
- 19: Truth, Natural Law, Heaven and Hell Bible Symbolism
- 17: Synopsis of 25 New Age Deceptions
- 17: The Power to Create Good
- 13: Cleansing the Body to Evolve Consciousness
- 13: Message to the Voting Cattle
- 13: The Truth About Voting
- 13: Larken Rose – Free Your Mind Conference 2011
- 13: Ya Gotta Vote!
- 13: Let’s Make a Deal
- 13: I’m Allowed to Rob You!
- 13: The Jones Plantation – Modern Slavery
- 13: The Tiny Dot
- 13: If You Were King
- 13: Government is an Illusion
- 13: Government: The Unnecessary Evil
- 13: Trance-Formation
- 13: Samsara
- 13: Unveiled and Lifted
- 13: Home
- 13: The Story of Food is Free
- 13: Cause and Effect – Consequences of Modern Living
- 13: Garbage Warrior
- 13: On Modern Servitude
- 10: Natural Law, Trivium & Consciousness Chart
- 09: Lenon Honor – FYM2 Presentation
- 08: Judgments (New Age Confusion)
- 06: Dualistic Conceptual Framework and the Frequency of Truth
- 03: Truth is Love. Love is Truth.
- 01: Wisdom is Right-Action
- 27: Is Killing the Same as Murder?
- 27: Is Force the Same as Violence?
- 19: Conceptual Framework for Understanding Reality, Truth, Love, Good
- 18: Occulted Knowledge and Human Psychosis
- 16: Love of Truth – Manly P. Hall
- 16: Intentions
- 15: Solitude and Truth
- 12: The Future – Where are we headed?
- 12: Relationships, Friends, and Truth
- 10: Higher Self and Lower Self – Self-Knowledge Barriers Pt.5
- 09: Am I Ignoring Others?
- 07: Degrees of Relativity and the Chains of Learned Helplessness
- 06: State of Mind – The Psychology of Control
- 05: Natural Law Presentation by Mark Passio
- 04: First Principles of Practical Philosophy
- 03: How to Escape the Psychology of Control
- 25: Shame, Guilt and “Judgmental” Nonsense
- 24: Admit Wrong and Imagine Better – Self-Knowledge Barriers Pt.2
- 24: Worldview and Choices – Self-Knowledge Barriers Pt.1
- 16: Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law (Natural Law)
- 14: Self-deception, delusion, excuses, morality and ‘reality negotiation’
- 11: Ignorance and Nescience
- 08: Consciousness and Polarity
- 07: Consciousness and the Cerebral Hemispheres
- 06: Consciousness and the Brain
- 30: Solipsism
- 30: Truth
- 29: Introduction