Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 2: Slavery


Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 2: Slavery

What is slavery? Is there only one type of slavery? What if you’re enslaved right now and don’t know it? Would you want to know? Definitions matter. You need to know what Rights are first (see Part 1: Rights), otherwise you won’t know how authority is making false claims of ownership upon your property rights and claims of ownership upon you!




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Questions to Ponder

– Do you care at all about initiating harm (doing a wrong) to others? Of being a bad person that does a wrong?
– Is it possible that you could be doing something wrong and not actually be aware of it? Would you want to know?
– Do you just want to believe whatever you want to believe, even if you are doing something wrong and don’t know it?
– Did all the German people who went along with Hitler’s agenda know they were doing immoral actions? Did all the Russians with Lenin and Stalin? Did all the Chinese with Mao?
– How do you know if something you do is morally right or wrong? Do you even have accurate definitions to truly know this? Or do you just believe you know?
– Do you think authority to rule others, give orders and enforce obedience is something good to have as a way of life? Do you think it’s necessary?


How Most People View Slavery: Overt Chattel Slavery

Visibility: High – Overt; chains or ropes to bond; markets to sell
Social Recognition: High – Openly accepted; “slavery” term used for an aspect of society; belief in the legitimacy to outright own/rule others
Legal Status: Legal “right” to own/rule others; deny Natural Rights/Law
Slave’s Property: 100% of fruits of labor taken by threat of greater violence

Is this alone what slavery is?