Appearances Insulate us From Deeper Reality
As long as appearances are held up, people remain trapped in an illusions, not looking deeper to the core substance of reality they live in.
This is why the chaos teaches. This is why the insulated bubbles of perception do not help. This is why gradualism of masking the true evil to incrementally progress towards good in small exaggerated prolonged steps is counterproductive. people think things are “good” and getting “better”, because that is the appearance they see around them. But they do not look deeper, down to the core substance to figure out what is really going on in our lives. The appearance of a “win” and “victory”. The appearance of “order” and “progress” towards greater “good” in society. The system must maintain appearances, for they are deceiving us into accepting its necessity and march to “progress” and “greatness” for humanity. Keep up appearances, keep people thinking things are getting fixed, progressively, gradually, incrementally. If you let the cracks show, then people become disillusioned in the system. They lose faith. They lose trust. They lose hope. Even when things are bad, if you can keep up a mask of appearances and convince people to believe in it, to have faith, trust and hope, they will buy into it and allow it to continue.
At this point, chaos without the insulation is required for us to perceive the shithole of a civilization we have created. The substance of our way of living is not being honestly looked at. Substance needs to be grasped in order to get out of the illusion of blindly accepting, trusting, hoping and having faith that these illusory appearances are actually working for us.