Euphemisms Mask, Cloud and Water Down Truth

Not facing deeper truth, deeper reality.
Keeping people from facing themselves in fuller detail.
It’s a form of negative gradualism, away from what is in fact happening, representing it less than it actually is, a mask, just as I describe in my other work.
Occulting the truth, holding it back, instead of releasing it in full view.
Download .mp3: Euphemisms Mask, Cloud and Water Down Truth
For example, getting someone to dissociate from themselves with the euphemism “you are not your actions”, but then also expecting them to change their actions. How can they truly take ownership and responsibility for themselves and their actions (which is an expression of their consciousness, themselves) if they dissociate themselves from their actions? Now after they don’t identify with their actions, you get them to re-identify with better actions in order to get them to want to do those actions instead of the wrong ones? That is odd. The wrong-action wasn’t them, but the new right-action will be them? Or is it still that none of our actions represent us in the world? I guess there is no becoming a better version of ourselves, or anything like that, since we are not our actions… we don’t need to change anything we do to become a better version of ourselves, all we need to do is believe and feel it I guess, like the New Agers say… LOL.
What matters is the Truth, right? Yes. The Truth is what ‘is’. Speaking what ‘is’, is speaking Truth. If you know what ‘is’ then you have a responsibility to share it with those who will listen. Not everyone can be made to listen to the Truth. Why should you have to contort and twist your way through a mental gymnastics course of someone else’s design in order to placate to their particular set of delicate sensibilities? That is far too complex of a procedure. The alternative of simply speaking things as they are which represents what ‘is’ in reality, is far easier and honest, forthright and straightforward. The former is a winding twisting path, and the latter is a straight path to Truth.
forthright –
characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; “blunt talking and straight shooting”; “a blunt New England farmer”; “I gave them my candid opinion”; “forthright criticism”; “a forthright approach to the problem”; “tell me what you think–and you may just as well be frank”; “it is possible to be outspoken without being rude”; “plainspoken and to the point”; “a point-blank accusation”
candid, frank, free-spoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder, outspoken, plainspoken, blunt
outspoken, open, direct, frank, straightforward, blunt, downright, candid, upfront (informal), plain-spoken, straight from the shoulder (informal) He was known for his forthright manner.
When you euphemise a truth, you do not accurately present it without evasion of certain blunt conclusions that may disturb people’s self-image. It just is, and you release it out through speech, text, etc., as it is. Euphemisms hold back the Truth, like a religion holds back (religare).
“A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse; while others use bland, inoffensive, and often misleading terms for things the user wishes to dissimulate or downplay. Euphemisms are used for dissimulation, to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, excretion, and death) in a polite way, and to mask profanity.[2] The opposite of euphemism roughly equates to dysphemism.
Euphemisms may be used to avoid words considered rude, while still conveying their meaning; words may be replaced by similar-sounding words, gentler words, or placeholders. Some euphemisms have become accepted in certain societies for uncomfortable information; for example, in many English speaking countries, a doctor is likely to say “the patient passed away” rather than “the patient died”. A second example relating uncomfortable information and concealing some degree of truth would be “we put the dog to sleep” rather than “we killed the dog”. Euphemisms can be used to downplay or conceal unpalatable facts, such as “collateral damage” for “civilian casualties” in a military context, or “redacted” for “censored”.
A euphemism is then a term used to avoid making oneself look bad in front of others (positive face of the speaker), to express oneself without restriction (negative face of the speaker), and to avoid offending the listener (listener’s negative face).
The word euphemism comes from the Greek word εὐφημία (euphemia), meaning “the use of words of good omen”, which in turn is derived from the Greek root-words eu (εὖ), “good, well” and pheme (φήμη) “glory, flattering speech, praise”. Etymologically, the eupheme is the opposite of the blaspheme “evil-speaking.” The term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism by the ancient Greeks, meaning “to keep a holy silence” (speaking well by not speaking at all)
Euphemism may be used as a rhetorical strategy, in which case its goal is to change the valence of a description from positive to negative. The ancient Greeks said that using euphemism was “to speak words that augur well.”[4] One modern example of this can be found in real estate.[5] When a property is difficult to sell, the seller will use euphemism to attract interest from the potential buyer. The phrase “cozy house” is a euphemism for “claustrophobic.” The phrase “this house needs some TLC” is a euphemism for “this place is a dump.”
Well, that was a wealth on information encoded in that description of euphemism from wikipedia with regards to psychology and persuasion, i.e. manipulation of the mind and heart through words that shape our understanding of reality. If you are familiar with the Trivium, more specifically the dichotomy between the classical trivium vs. the trivium method itself, then you will understand euphemisms goal in rhetoric through the negative trivium application of manipulation. Sure euphamisms can be used in less menacing and harmful ways than robbing people of Truth, but that doesn’t excuse what euphemisms are. Euphemisms in the negative sense, are the manipulation of reality through words to limit the truth delivered. Euphemisms in the positive sense, are putting rosy-colored glasses on someone to change the impact of reality on their perceptions. It’s the same with the apologetics for “white lies” being necessary. That is essentially the argument for euphemisms.
Take note of the above etymology relating to “glory, flattering speech, praise“, because this is to be made a fool through infatuation of the mind. This is what euphemisms do as a “good omen” towards people in the attempt to influence them. You get them to identify, connect and like you by not “offending” them through an exposure of their own behavior that they fail to recognize. I have covered some aspects of this in my Truth is Love article/audio. People offend themselves by their own choices and behaviors. When we bring it up, all we are doing is bring the darkness to light.
Infatuation is an attraction at some level that is not based on truth of any significance, but a deceptive feeling summoned as a result of mind control. Infatuate comes from the Latin infatuat, meaning to be “made foolish”, “made a fool of”. Many people associate infatuation with “love”. Infatuation is the result of a chemical trick in your body released from the limbic system, to attract to you someone you find appealing, someone who is an ideal mate for perpetuation of your genetics and survival. The trick of the chemicals is there to create an attraction in order for procreation, spreading your DNA, etc. Some people are together that shouldn’t be, but still are, because they are being ruled by sensations, feeling and emotions, and do not understand how they are being manifested and created in the first place.
Infatuation is used as a mind control tool through compliments, praise and flattery. These are very powerful tools to influence and manipulate people. Thomas Sheridan calls this “love bombing”, and I agree with that great term. Telling people they are wonderful, great and perfect no matter what they do, shuts off their critical thinking and develops a level of endearment or infatuation for the person delivering the message or in the belief itself. The person often “falls” for the one doing the praising, either “in love” romantically, or “falling” for what someone is selling. People buy into bullshit because they want to believe it, it makes them feel good.
Either way, it is a con job. You are being conned, tricked, duped, bamboozled, hoodwinked, screwed, deceived, manipulated and fooled. This is the infatuation, being made a fool of. Someone is selling you something you want to buy! You want to buy into praise, compliments and flattery; it boosts your self-esteem, self-image and self-concept you have created that is your ego-personality-identity construct. It makes you feel-good. That is the most important aspect. “Feeling good” about yourself, your self-image, thinking you are “good”, is what seems to drive most people into their worldview and belief acceptance. Those who can influence people through emotions, feelings and sensations of compliments, flattery and praise have inculcated memes into many minds as a mind virus. The understanding of what is being done slips by conscious awareness, critical thinking, asking questions, thinking things through and coming to accurate conclusions. The limbic neurochemical effect is overriding the neocortical higher order functionality.
A cult functions in the same way. “Love bombing” the followers into providing the “needs” they are missing in their lives. Providing attention, promises of fulfillment of some kind, praise, compliments, flattery, etc. We develop cults of personality in our own “truther” groups. This is the basis for “gurus.” People follow one person and accept everything they say as gospel. People uncritically and unquestioningly accept the “spiritual gurus” beliefs because they are selling what people want to hear.
Now with the New Age beliefs it’s even more “feel-good” manipulation, and memes about 5D, hyper-dimensional ascension, soul hierarchies, spirit this or that, “balance” and other buzz words, circular reasoning, glitter talk, rosy colored glasses, avoid the negative, on and on with more bullshit to feel “special” and “good” about ourselves. If you want to conceive of 5D and other dimensions, fine, but get out of living in the clouds and get grounded and engage the reality of right-action necessary in the world to produce freedom and peace. These beliefs are like a cult, an imaginal mental cult, to construct a belief system in your mind to make you “feel-good” about whatever you want, to allow you to believe whatever you want. Whatever problems or insecurities you have, this person or belief seems to fix you up, and “clear” all the “baggage” and make you “spiritual” and “feel-good”. This is being made foolish because of a feeling that is being summoned. This is magic again. Spells of words are manipulating you into summoning your inner energy of feelings to influence your decision making ability and lead you down a potential false path.
It’s a system of mind viruses that infect people towards living in a delusional fantasy reality of illusions, beliefs, wishes, wants, desires, intents, etc. Not the real work of learning, of seeking and discovering truth, letting go of attachment to illusions that make us “feel-good” about ourselves (our ego), and really getting grounded in reality of Truth before we go floating off into the clouds of possibilities.
– Truth is Love
Then some people will say: “well your using dysphemism, humiliating people.” Really? What is it to humiliate someone with Truth in order to help them face the Truth? Not a humiliation as most people envision in their minds to degrade someone with no purpose of helping them raise themselves in conscious awareness. Let’s look at the word humiliate.
“humbling, humiliation,” noun of action from past participle stem of humiliare “to humble,”
mid-13c., from Old French humble, earlier humele, from Latin humilis “lowly, humble,” literally “on the ground,” from humus “earth.”
late 14c. in the intransitive sense of “to render oneself humble;” late 15c. in the transitive sense of “to lower (someone) in dignity;”
early 14c., from Old French umelite “humility, modesty, sweetness,” from Latin humilitatem (nominative humilitas) “lowness, insignificance,” in Church Latin “meekness,” from humilis “humble”
Do you see?
Humble, humility, humiliate, making yourself humble, take down your pride yourself, or making others humble by showing how they are being foolish and false. You take down their pride and dignity in themselves because it is a false pride and dignity, it is an illusion. The way they view themselves, their self-image, you take down the illusion of the false self-image. People aren’t facing themselves in the mirror. It’s time to help them get real with themselves and snap out of the illusory dream reality they live in.
Thats how you speak truth: outspoken, frank, candid, authentic, forthright, unreserved, not holding back, not euphemisms to hide behind.
Learning is fun 🙂