An Easy Way to Understand How Non-Veganism is Psychopathic

I used to fish. I recall getting great joy from catching a fish, hooking its mouth, and taking its life for me to eat later. I had no Care for this immoral action. No conscious awareness of deeper reality, Truth and Morality. Imagine that. We have great joy from murdering another animal because they have something we want, so we take it. THIS IS PSYCHOPATHY. JOY and HAPPINESS from the exploitation, harm, violence and murder of another being? WTF kind of mad, sick, diseased psychosis is that! I didn’t feel any remorse. No feeling for the immorality, no care. Why? They were lesser. I was superior. This is how psychopaths operate as well. They lack emotional capacities. They lack the capacity to actually feel the wrongs they engage in. They don’t care. I was fashioned and formed into a secondary psychopath because of the indoctrination and conditioning into accepting certain ways of life as “good”. We are all conditioned into living the life of psychopaths. They sell us their program of life, and we follow it like robots. We are taught these subtle forms of psychopathy from our parents, let alone the rest of society, and we continue to perpetuate them.

Only by finding Truth and Morality, can you break out of your dream-fantasy state of accepting your behavior as “good”. Truth and Morality are the only way forward to End Evil, Slavery and Immorality. This is the purpose of learning Natural Law.

An Easy Way to Understand How Non-Veganism is Psychopathic