Care for Truth, Inner-Work, Remove Evil and Harm

I work on myself everyday by seeking out Truth and Morality in understanding reality. I will until I die. I am not fully aware of all the wrongs I still do, all the issues I have, but I work to uncover reality and contrast my possible subjective falsity against its objectivity, to align my perceptions and conceptions of reality with reality itself. That is how I will actually uncover the wrongs, errors, incorrectness, inaccuracy, falsity, evil, darkness, demon, shadow and negative in me. Objective reality and truth  is required to reduce subjective unreality and falsity. Learn, gain quality knowledge, seek Truth, and you will progressively better yourself through this acquisition of reality/truth.



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Most other people are not so interested in doing this, and they are fine believing in whatever they choose to believe. Some of these people are New Agers or pseudo-spiritualists. Some people believe everything is perfect in their life, they don’t need to change, they don’t need to learn, they don’t need to do work on themselves, they can just focus on superficial pursuits of pleasure gratification, pseudo-happiness, feeling-good, enjoyment, and various distractions to not embark on the real “spiritual” journey and quest on the Path and Way of Truth and Morality. They don’t need to develop true responsibility. They will just focus on their little zone of comfort, their little reality bubble, and work to make it more comfortable. They won’t take up the responsibility and service to Truth, to put aside the comfort, convenience, pleasure gratification, enjoyment, amusement and entertainment, to figure out the deep root causal core foundational factors to the problems of the world that affects everyone. No, they only want to work on their own personal happiness and enjoyment. Multiply that consciousness, and you have the mindset of everyone in the western world (and the rest of the world too), minus a few. This is the Pleasure Trap, a big problem for the evolution in consciousness.

Not many people will do evil, if they understand it is evil. They will not do wrong, if they know it is wrong. However, most people will do evil and wrong if they are told and believe it is “good” or “right”. Most soldiers and cops do what they do because they actually believe they are doing “good” and “right”, otherwise they would not likely choose to do that. This applies to everyone. The belief is all that is required for them to have a self-image of being “good”, “right” and “moral”. They can do actions, and justify them as right because they believe they are “right” and “good”. This belief does not make it so. They do not need to actually know Truth and Morality objectively to compare to their actions, they simply believe whatever they want. There are many things we are all conditioned to believe are “good” and “right” but are not. Carnism is the biggest slavery and evil mechanism in our lives, and then comes statism as a result of that disconnect and predatory domination over others.

We, the alchemists, the developing Natural Law Causal Agents, the True Trivium Method users, the active Magicians, are trying to remove wrongs, in ourselves and in our perceptions of reality, in our thinking, in our understanding, in our ways of living, in our behaviors, and help others do the same work. We seek to reform and recondition ourselves, away from the false self, towards the True Self, in harmony, unity and alignment with Truth and Morality. Everyone else, is not on this Path, clearly, otherwise they would be embarking on the same initiation to learn, and aspire to the ideal of Truth and Morality, yet they are not. They do not really Care for Truth and Morality that deeply to change their ways, or even a little to embark on the journey in the first place to first learn more about reality. They have no interest in Truth, and many others, like so-called “truthers”, have no real deep interest in Truth and Morality, merely superficial “my truth”, “my freedom”, “my survival” based information they are willing to accept (personal preference overrides the truth and morality). Those of us with real Care for Truth and Morality, do deeply think about things, about ourselves, about reality, introspect, reflect, contemplate, true meditation (not altered form), and we try to change, improve, grow, heal, better and evolve, because we know we are not perfect and things are not fine the way they are. Things need to change. We need to change. We need to change to help others change. Truth and Morality is the way to True Freedom and Peace. Truth is ONE way, go all the way because you can!

Those who are not on this path, who do not really Care for Truth deeply, who do not care to align themselves with Truth and Morality as much as they can because they actually can, will condition themselves to not think as deeply and honestly about themselves or reality. That is why these many people, especially New Agers and pseudo-spiritualists, are upbeat and positive about their lives and behavior despite the harm and illusions they are living in. They are ignorant. They focus their attention on the positive, on the “good” they want to see, and create a self-image of a “good” and “moral” person. Objective reality does not matter. We are all essentially brought up in this conformist program, and few of us break out. When someone who has broken out confronts them on their false living, they deny, reject, excuse, justify or ignore the Truth and Morality. They condition themselves to not think of the negative, and create a rosy-colored unreality, blinded by the optimism bias positivity mask. They “feel-good” a lot, or at least that is what their self-inducing, self-manipulating “intentional” conception and desire is, and what they try to outwardly “project” as an image. They never face the immorality in themselves, because they have induced a pseudo-reality, an unreality, that induces “feel-good” affective states from the sustainment and maintenance of the artificial false concept in their consciousness. “Mind” over matter. “Mind” over reality. Subjectivity over objectivity. Unreality over reality. Falsity over truth.

In their eyes, they are not “immoral”, “evil”, etc., their self-image ego-personality-identity construct justifies and excuses the murder of other animals, so they do not consider honestly looking at themselves in true self-respect. Others will do the same with statism, and excuse their involvement in perpetuating government. They do not look at, nor feel the negatives they are involved in. Their negative knowledge constructs are so strong as a mind-virus, that it is automatically negating the possibility of doubt and questioning if they are right or wrong in truth. After all, they already know they are “moral” and “good”, therefore nothing anyone can say will prove otherwise. All belief. This mind control also seems to be negating the emotional compass to feel wrong-doings. They are numb and dead inside to some extent, not as fully developed as they can be, with deadened and undeveloped heart-centers, care, compassion, empathy, conscience and morality. We are all conditioned into this false living as a false self, but some of us break out enough to develop True Care, Care for Truth and Morality, and work on ourselves to better ourselves, to reduce our wrongs and harm in this world. You can care a little, about your truth and your freedom, care more about your animal species, and then care even more about all animal species.

The people who do not look at the negative honestly do so because they are focusing on this positivity optimism bias in their lives. They have conditioned themselves to not think, that is how they are always in peace and harmony with their contradictory beliefs and ways of living — they don’t think about them! Problem solved! They don’t want to face the contradictions when others try to help them, they want to keep ignoring it and justifying how “right” it is. You tell them about a wrong they do, and they can just ignore it and keep moving along because they do not really truly deeply Care for Truth. When you do have deep Care for Truth, you can honestly face yourself in the mirror when new information is presented, in true self-respect, and see, with real eyes to realize the real lies, your behavior, your falsity, for what it is. Refusal to admit wrong, refusal to embrace truth, is all from a lack of Care for Truth. It is a Fear of looking into Truth, resulting in Ignoring the truth, Apathy to Truth, Cowardice to stand up for Truth, and Laziness in living the Truth.