Consciousness and the Brain
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Consciousness is awareness of our reality. It is not simply being awake from being asleep as most people view it, as one can be awake but still asleep and ignorant of the spiritual journey and path towards truth. The more we observe, experience and come to know aspects of what ‘is’, the truth, the more our awareness of that which exists increases, and as a result our consciousness will expand. This allows us to recognize, correlate, compare and correspond patterns and meaning in more and more of these things that exists as we become more aware of them. Increasing awareness increases consciousness, and the correspondences and pattern linking we discover paints a larger picture to understand the world we live in and ourselves more deeply. This expansive force that brings us to greater heights of comprehension and consciousness is the force of Love in its true essence. Reality, what ‘is’, truth, is what brings about greater awareness and consciousness and allows us to care more about what is happening in the world and ourselves, to eventually come to a place of right-action based in true intelligence of understanding our situation correctly. This expansive force of consciousness is Love. Truth is Love. Love is truth. The more we see with our real eyes, the more we realize the truth, and the more we expand our Love and consciousness.
The Importance of Understanding Consciousness
Consciousness is the solution to the problems of deception and manipulation that results in external control over our lives. The degree to which we see with clarity is proportional to our level of consciousness. To be in lower base levels of awareness is to be wandering in the dark. Lower vibrational states of consciousness prevent one from being able to accurately discern between Truth and falsity.
Every problem contains the seeds to its own solution. The solution to a lower base-level vibrational frequency of consciousness is to raise consciousness to a higher level. This is how we get out of our current modality of being. Recognizing patterns and meaning with respect to events taking place around and within us is a central component to reaching higher levels of awareness, specifically, the internal patterns that take place within the body, mind and feelings. We must learn to recognize not only the who, when, where, what but also the how and why. Asking the question why is a fundamental element in learning about the reality of what ‘is’. ‘Why’ is getting to the nature of a condition, situation, event or problem.
“Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods”
– An inscription attributed to Pythia, an oracle at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece where mystery traditions were studied and reflected upon
Understanding the individuated unit of consciousness that constitute a part of the universe promotes an understanding of the universe as a whole. The principle of correspondence applies in many ways. We can use the concept of “as above so below, as below so above” to help us grasp truths about ourselves and the universe. To “know thyself” is also known as self-knowledge, self-actualization, self-realization, self-awareness, as well as knowledge of the Higher True Self.
Understanding ourselves is the solution to our problems. The first step to finding a solution to a problem is acquiring knowledge in order to understand the core nature of the problem that manifests the conditions we would prefer not to have. The root causal factor for our suffering is lack of knowledge of ourselves. We don’t know enough about consciousness, how our minds and emotional makeups function. This is another perfect scenario for those who wish to manipulate and control our behaviors through deception, just as solipsism allows. Having knowledge about how the human mind, psyche and consciousness functions provides one with an advantageous position to exercise control over others who are ignorant about themselves.
We have to understand ourselves more, what is going on in human consciousness, how it functions, what are its qualities, how it manifests, and how it has an expression through the physiology.
Consciousness and Mind Control
A manipulator can dangle an appealing and comforting lie in front of us as bait and we will buy into it, hook, line and sinker! But we must honestly ask ourselves some questions. Is it all their fault? Do we have any responsibility? Is it just simply that we are living according to their lies? Or did we buy what they were selling willingly? People do not want the responsibility for everything that goes with living in existence, we are so demanding for someone else to take responsibility, think, and solve our problems for us. We abdicate our personal responsibility for many things, and most importantly of all is our personal responsibility to understand the truth. We were sold the deception, but it was something many of us wanted to buy.
Consciousness can be raised or manipulated through knowledge. Manipulation of consciousness is mind control. When someone does not understand how mind control functions, they are ignorant of it, and therefore do not have the tools to prevent themselves from actively being manipulated. Ignorance of something disempowers and makes you a tool to it: deceived, manipulated, fooled, tricked, duped, conned, scammed, screwed, bamboozled, hoodwinked, and under its thumb. Knowledge about something prevents you from buying into lies and empowers you to make the right choices, decisions and actions. Living in harmony and alignment with the truth is not what is occurring when we are being manipulated and controlled. We must learn the methodologies of mind control in order to not be deceived as we currently are.
Most of the methodologies of mind control are in operation all around us and they are implemented on a mass scale, hence they are mass mind control as opposed to a Hollywood-induced conception like a Manchurian candidate brainwashing. Mass mind control programs fundamental axioms into people which are the core belief systems that people take into themselves as true and then live their lives, behave and act in accordance with. Understanding language and the words we use is the biggest part of mind control. Neurolinguistic programming makes use of language through specific word choice and speech patterns to embed ideas into people’s consciousness so that they behave according to predetermined outcomes. Symbolism is an archetypal language that most of us are vulnerable to being manipulated by at a subconscious level because we do not understand the building blocks and syntax of this particular language. Archetypal language is based on the use of frequencies of sound, color, shapes and forms, and can be used to influence our thoughts and subvert our consciousness. Mind control is consciousness control through the manipulation of the three experiential forms of consciousness.
The Two Foundational Qualities of Consciousness
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”
– The Kybalion.
The sacred masculine and the sacred feminine of consciousness are qualities that may seem to be polar opposites but are actually unified to form the whole of consciousness. Various traditions attribute different characteristics referring to the same source. The sacred feminine is personified as the lunar goddess. This aspect is known as Yin, internal, passive, intuitive, compassionate, submissive, etc. and is associated with the right-brain hemisphere, the Moon or lunar aspect, night/darkness, the womb and mother. It is directly related to our emotions which are the internal quality of consciousness within us. The sacred masculine is symbolized by the solar god. This is the Yang, external, active, analytical, logical, dominant, etc. and is associated with the left-brain hemisphere, the Sun or solar aspect, the light and father. The internal feminine principle is not very active while the external masculine principle is the more active quality. The active energy is how we manifest our consciousness to others in the world. This is how we show ourselves to others and how others show themselves to us. As they say: “You will know them by their actions.” I have a saying that goes: “the more you say, the more you do, the more I see of you.”
In our efforts to raise our level of consciousness we must strive to bring these two qualities into balance and unison with each other. We accomplish this by becoming beings that as we think, so we feel, so we act. Our thoughts, emotions and actions are not in contradiction, opposition, conflict or duality with each other, but are unified, non-dual and acting as one. If someone thinks or feels something is morally wrong, yet acts against one or both of those manifestations of consciousness, they are in internal opposition with themselves, fighting against themselves, against their own consciousness. Satan is the opposer, the adversary, and that is the state we put ourselves in when we contradict ourselves internally, regardless of the justifications or excuses we fabricate to lie to ourselves into accepting what we are doing. This is the main reason for why we are in our current condition of not expanding our consciousness. We create our own suffering collectively in all the ways we go against ourselves and go against Natural Moral Law.
The Three from the One
As we increase our self-knowledge we increase our consciousness, and vice versa. Expanding our consciousness through the ability to recognize patterns of information will increase our self-knowledge. The more we become aware of what is taking place within and around us, and the more connections, correspondences, patterns and meaning we come to recognize, the more our consciousness expands and the more we learn about ourselves, hence self-knowledge increases.
Consciousness consists of a dual nature between the masculine and feminine components as represented through each individual unit of consciousness often referred to as the monad, the one that is an expression of the all. While each of us may be a part of a unified ocean of consciousness, we are still individual unique expressions of consciousness. Each individuated unit of consciousness has three forms of manifestation or expression in our reality: thoughts, emotions and actions. The original image above is based on one from Mark Passio. I have created a more complex version to the left that will visually show the various facets of the 3 manifestations of consciousness, unity and the gender principles. It might be confusing unless you already understand the color symbolism and the information to follow in this article.
Thought activity is a fundamental basis of the two internal manifestations of consciousness. Thoughts are the primary expression, emanation or essence symbolized by the creator aspect. Hence, there is the concept of “the universe is mental” and made of thought energy. All experience comes from the past as a thought source creative essence. Any series of events or invention we make first existed as a thought in the mind or consciousness of the people who made it occur. For example, someone first thought about the need for an eating instrument and then proceeding to create a fork, spoon, etc. Thought arose first. The creator is symbolized as a “Father” for this reason. Within thought activity there is still the sacred masculine and feminine component through the characteristics of the left and right brain.
Emotions are the second internal aspect of consciousness that we express within our body through our physical makeup in the form of sensations, feelings and body language. Thought activity energy passes through our body and is then expressed through our physiology as a feeling in response to consciousness manifestations in our environment and in ourselves. Correlating with the creator symbolism of the father, emotions are the Holy Spirit or divine mother in the Trinity of consciousness.
The marriage between the divine father creator thought, and divine mother emotional energies of consciousness, create a divine child of action, a synthesis or byproduct that manifest as the things we do in the world, our behavior. We now see the Trinity of the creator father, divine mother Holy Spirit and the divine male child completed. There is also the Trinity of the body-mind-spirit connection where our body represents action, our mind represents thought, and our spirit represents emotion in the sense that our emotions are the spirit in which we do things. The Trinity concept is represented in different traditions under the name of the Law of Three or the Triune (3-in-1) aspect of consciousness.
Following only the “heart” without taking the “brain” with you is not the path of Truth and Love, yet many people mistakenly believe this in the pseudo-spiritual and New Age movements and beliefs. This is the concept of thought, thinking, mind, logic, etc. becoming a “negative” in favor of more heavy right-brain modalities of being.
The Physiological Expression of the Three Aspects of Consciousness
Understanding certain basic structures and functionality of the human brain is part of the discovery of self. Many of us do not understand what the components of the brain are, how they work and what they give rise to with respect to qualities of our personality-identity-ego construct. Understanding the human brain is to understand a core aspect of ourselves and is critical for our understanding of what is going on in the world. Our species is gifted simply by possessing a brain of the order and magnitude that we have.
Symbolism operates on many layers, levels and depth. Rigidly applying rules in one direction will prevent us from perceiving greater revelations through the frequencies of color and shape being used. Taking another symbolic look at the components of a Trinity based on the father, mother and child, we can see how the Christian narrative is represented by the hindbrain, limbic and forebrain respectively. The reptile survival hindbrain is the law-obsessed dominator god from the Old Testament. The mammalian emotional brain is the sacred feminine Holy Spirit. The neocortex higher order thinking brain is the Divine savior and Light of the world.
The Brainstem “Reptile” Hindbrain
The brainstem can be considered the foundation and hence the oldest and lowest part of the brain. The brainstem and cerebellum are responsible for physical activity, motor skills, and the instinct for survival or the fight or flight mechanism. In a dangerous situation, a decision needs to be made between staying and fighting or fleeing to survive. The heart will pump blood towards the areas of the body that require it. Blood will be pumped away from the vital organs of the torso and brain because a fight or flight response of survival to fight or run away requires blood to be sent to the areas of priority which are the extremities. When we are trying to survive we are not going to be thinking about deep higher order conceptual ideas nor do we need to be doing much digestion or other intensive functions of other organs. Our richly oxygenated blood will be sent to our muscles, such as the arms to be yielded as weapons if we have decided to stay and fight, or to the leg muscles for us to be able to flee the situation.
This functionality is effective for fending off an attacker. However, in our modern society we are not in many dangerous situations where we physically need to make a decision to fight of flee, yet this mechanism is activated frequently because we are often engaged in stressful activities. This beneficial survival technique has become a detriment in modern society because we engage and remain in this modality of consciousness for a large portion of the time. Our lifestyle is hectic and busy, from one thing to the next without having much time in between the various activities we occupy our lives with: a job, children, traffic, other people, and other daily activities. Always being busy and having all of your time occupied is also known as stress. This creates a construct whereby responsibilities of adhering to a scheduled way of living traps a person in a survival modality of being with no standard ability to fight or flee from the situation presented. This causes harm to other structures of the brain.
The Limbic “Mammal” Midbrain
This is the middle-brain that is responsible for the chemical interactions through which we experience our emotions as feelings, and despite emotions not being derived from here, without this “middle chamber” we would not feel emotions. Mammals display physiological reactions of emotional states that reptiles do not show. Reptiles are more instinctual and based in survival and are where we get the term of being a “cold blooded” person.
The Neocortex “Human” Forebrain
The Neocortex is the most developed part of the brain containing the most neural activity and manages all higher order thinking. The cerebrum is bilaterally symmetrical being divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The left brain is symbolic of the masculine principle and is related to the thought functionality of logic, analysis, science, mathematics, language and the use of words. The right brain relates to the feminine qualities of holistic thought, intuition, creativity, art, music and all other forms of creative expression.
This triune component of the brain is setup as a hierarchy of three different aspects of being into one, and information is processed in a certain way if the functionality between these layers is operating correctly. Proper functionality means the cerebral hemispheres are cooperating together, balanced, unified, harmonious, coherent, consistent, and integrated, as can be demonstrated through EEG coherence where neural and synaptic activity is distributed throughout both hemispheres. The forebrain is the executive command center of the whole brain responsible for our reasoning capabilities to determine how we use our actions in harmony with our thoughts and emotions. Having a balanced neocortex without one side dominating over the other allows a person to become capable of higher-order conceptual thinking and reasonable behavior which is governed through our ability to recognize patterns and derive meaning. The neocortex is the most advanced computer that exists and the most complex substance we know of in the universe and therefore our greatest gift. The feminine midbrain that governs emotions sends data upwards to the masculine reasoning-processing center of the brain, both to the logical-analytical masculine left-brain and creative-intuitive feminine right-brain, which then sends signals down to the motor centers of the brain complex referred to as the reptile brain in order for our actions and behavior to be based on higher order reasoning and not automated responses based on instinct and survival.
Failure to understand how we function, as a component of who we are, places us in a position where we are susceptible to manipulation and mind control. Understanding the basic functionality of the brain brings us closer to becoming a being that governs ourselves and less subject to the influence of those attempting to commandeer our mind and behavior.
Next article: Consciousness and the Cerebral Hemispheres
– Truth, expands it (love is truth)
– Mind Control (keeps it limited by lies and deception)
– Solution to our problems (along with other Truths)
Information mainly sourced from: What on Earth is Happening #001 and #002