Alignment with Truth Disconnects from Falsity and Those who Live Falsely

In my conflict to understand the True Unity issue, I have also come to more deeply understand the disconnection that arises in society. We have so much trouble uniting because of the degree of falsity that permeates our lives. Truth unites, lies divide, that is what my site says first of all. Some of us have the initial awakening into Care for Truth, to embark upon the knowledge quest, the spiritual journey on the path towards greater attainment of Truth, to choose right over wrong and live the Moral Path and Way of Truth. We are bringing ourselves, our being and way of living, into greater harmony and unity with Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law, etc. This divides us from falsity, it disconnects us from falsity and connects us to Truth. Meanwhile, others are still attached to the various false beliefs that permeates their ego-personality-identity construct, and they fight to protect that self-image.
When we live in Truth and others do not follow, an inherent automatic disconnect is created. It cannot be averted in honesty. It can only be ignored and averted through removal of conscious awareness. Otherwise, trying to find Truth and figure things out, you will notice a conflict inside of you regarding your way of living and the way other people choose to live.
Sometimes a connection in one area affects the connection elsewhere, reducing it. Going towards truth reduces the connection to falsity. We can connect with music that is a recording, in a sense taking us away from the current reality, disconnecting us from reality. The Internet does the same. We connect in a virtual world, and disconnect from our real worlds while we do that.
Alignment with Truth Disconnects from Falsity and Those who Live Falsely