Until we get it, we just don’t get it… truth takes time, I learned that reality

I talk about things. I tend to do a decent job of explaining them. Yes, more elaborate, in depth and precise explanations can be given. I’m referring to my original work that deals with deeper subject matter.
Naturally, since I only briefly explain or define some aspects of reality, some people don’t understand. I can’t explain hours of prerequisite knowledge that lays the foundation for many of the conclusions I talk about and explain briefly. It’s “advanced” material compared to what people in general are aware of.
However, my track record of demonstrating explanations in my work should be enough to merit an honest consideration on the part of the reader who may want to learn more. They can ask me, or go and learn for themselves just as I did. I didn’t learn what I learned by asking people questions to feed me answers.
I went to seek out knowledge. I actively walked on the path towards understanding more truth about reality. It takes time. The more time you put into walking it, the more you uncover. If you don’t actively put in time, you won’t uncover much.
Ex: Someone who spends more time learning about subject X, who can explain subject X, likely understands subject X more than someone who hasn’t taken much or any time to actively learn about subject X, let alone be able to explain it in depth.
If your life is busy with work, family, friends, kids, activities, then you don’t take much time each day, or in your whole life, to devote to an active pursuit of truth, if you even chose to pursue it at all, which most people don’t.
If you want to find the truth about something, seek it out and find it yourself. Be curious, ask questions, and doubt how valid something is so that you can properly assess it yourself, rather than simply believe what others tell you the answer is.
Symbols, words and language form the basis for our communication and for further understanding of reality and ourselves. Symbolism is complex. Words can change meaning. Words can carry contextual meaning. If two people are not using the same definition or meaning for a word, their foundation for mutual understanding is already misaligned and off course.
To find out how a word can apply to a context to represent a specific meaning, looking at the etymology of the word can help. Learning is a long, tedious and arduous task to engage in. Learning can be done passively by being induced and condition by the stimulus we receive from our environment, or we can actively choose to direct our time and attention towards certain topics to learn about consciously, with will, purpose and a drive.
Some people don’t spend time seeking truth actively, so they don’t learn as a result, yet they think they “know” despite not being able to explain themselves. They just repeat conclusions they were fed and accepted. They are this way because of how we are taught to think: conditioned with information believed to be true, not verified as truth.
As a result, some people “don’t get it”, they don’t get certain things, even this explanation here might elude some people.
Some people “don’t get” how there is existence.
Some people “don’t get” how there is truth.
Some people “don’t get” how there is morality.
Some people “don’t get” the difference between right and wrong.
Some people “don’t get” the difference between truth and falsity.
Some people “don’t get” the difference between objective and subjective.
Why? They don’t understand the meaning of the words that are used to reflect reality. It’s not helpful for those who can’t even recognize there is a reality and choose to deny it instead…
I try to explain things. I have a lot of work already done. There is so much information online in the virtual library of the internet to learn from and figure things out. I had to piece things together about how psychology and language interlink to arrive at my understanding that I can explain. One aspect, of our complex reality, can’t be simply explained if there are prerequisite pieces of knowledge required to be understood before hand. Giving the punchline without the joke before… doesn’t often work. Although someone might indeed “get it” when you just give a bare conclusion, they likely have the required prerequisite knowledge to understand the punchline.
For everyone of us, when we don’t know something that is presented to us, we can find out more about it, maybe, eventually, if we seek it out. If not from someone else, then we can potentially uncover it ourselves. We each have a consciousness that can uncover aspects of reality and relay it to others for them to understand as well, via communication. Language is wonderful, but can lead to confusion unless terms have a common definition for all people using them.
If our grounding in language to describe reality is inaccurate, then our understanding of reality based on those description will also be flawed. Truth is extremely important in life, and moral truth more so to determine the quality and condition of our individual and collective lives in society.
So… until we get it… we just don’t get it… truth takes time.