Objective Detachment
People fail to see reality for what it is, because they are not looking at it objectively in a detached manner. People will try to find Truth through the lens of attachment to their own specific behavior. The only way to determine real Truth is to be detached from yourself, your actions, behaviors, self-image and worldview. That is objective appraisal of reality.
This is mostly problematic when looking to uncover Moral Truth, as people want to “feel-good” about themselves. They don’t want to admit how they are being evil, how wrong and full of shit they are. This is part of the Pleasure Trap, to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Seeking Truth is to welcome both pleasure and pain of reality. Most people are incapable of actually seeking Truth because they are too attached to themselves, their egos, self-images, and worldviews. Their subjective attachment blinds them to the objective reality in the world and to themselves, to true self-discovery and self-realization. The subjective attachment has them deny the Truth in favor of their preexisting behavioral program and pattern for living. This program is imposed upon us from childhood. We need to learn to reformat and install a new operating system for living, because the one we get installed with, by the default settings of our current society, is corrupted to the core.