Tag Archives: morality

Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality


Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality Morality is about objectively right and wrong behaviors, which define rules of behavior, and tied to understanding immorality. Moral behaviors are based in right, correct and true rules because they aren’t immoral behaviors which are based in wrong, incorrect and false rules. If something is true in reality, it’s correct […]

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Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 1: Rights

Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 1: Rights This is the first part of a continuing series of presentations on Natural Law, the Science of Morality. Part 1 is about rights, which also deals with property, ownership, wrongs, force, violence, the Non-Aggression Principle, the Self-Defense Principle, freedom and slavery. Video Images PDF: Natural Law – The Science of […]

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Are rights natural/innate, or invented?

Is it right for me to walk up to you and hit you, stab you, or murder you? No. Everyone recognizes this. And it’s a natural recognition as something wrong, not something right. It’s not right, and it’s not a right you have to do. It’s not a right. This is how rights are natural. Natural moral law rights. Everyone recognizes them innately. Harm done […]

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The Checkerboard Floor: Walk in the Path and Way of Good, Evil, or Both

There is a ladder with grades and levels to get off the checkerboard floor, the low, base, beastly, carnal, fleshly consciousness stuck in the pleasure trap and baser instincts, evolving towards a higher ego, a higher self, a higher consciousness, a higher soul. Consciousness, self, soul, ego are references to ourselves. Some people try to make the ego itself an […]

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Being Individually Moral but Forced to Live Among Collective Immorality

In history and in the present, have you noticed somethings are wrong with what was/is socially acceptable, with what was/is deemed “legal”? The collective way of living in society and what is accepted is not decided by each individual. Some individuals can see wrongs, yet can’t change the collective way things are. Despite wanting things to be better, we can’t […]

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Do We Choose the Power to Do Right, or the Power to Do Wrong?

Bad things can happen. Not everything comes from the power of human actions to produce something wrong into the world, but a lot of things do come from human actions. Evil things are not an accident. The evils in our world would not exist if human consciousness did not create them into existence. If there is evil somewhere, it’s because […]

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The Love Between Homeless People and their Animal Companions

The deep emotional and psychological connection between human animals and other animals can be profound. Many people have a deep emotional valuation of nonhuman animals they connect with, and even see their animal companions as the most important others in their lives, more than other human-to-human relations they have. The nonhuman animals are their life, and often the animals share […]

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