Master of a Name (Word Symbol Magic) – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.7)
To know the true meaning of a word, is to be master of the word, master of the name, and have the power of that symbol to represent reality. Those who can manipulate the meaning of words, will be able to manipulate it’s representation of reality, and therefore manipulate the perception of reality by those who use that word.
Reality and existence is the truth, and are what will reflect the true meaning of words. Arbitrary word symbol definitions can limit an accurate understanding of reality. The true meaning of words is found in reality to represent something.
I have previous work on Word Symbol Magic if you want some backdrop: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
In 2004 I watched a “magical” fantasy mini-series called Earthsea. A central theme was an aspect of fictional “magic”, that to know the name of something was to be a master of over it. The main character sought to know the names of creatures in order to control them and stop their mayhem, chaos and evil with his “magical” abilities.
Why and how do we have this power to be a master of things? Where did this idea come from?
In language and word symbol magic, to know the true name, meaning and definition for an aspect of reality is to be master of it, and not be a mere subject to it under its power as a spell cast on your mind, to mind control you into accepting a perception of reality that the word symbol invokes within you. Words are spelled, i.e. spells.
Basic word symbol concepts are required to build more complex structures in our mind which represent reality, from the individual particular objects in reality to the common universals that link particulars together. If our conceptual blocks are falsely representing reality, it greatly affects the way we perceive and think of reality, and it affects our ability to navigate reality correctly. This in turn will affect how we behave and act in reality.
This is the power we have to be master of a thing (existents in existence). We know its “true name” by giving it meaning and definition, and essentially assigning purpose to it. We have the power to identify and assign specific meaning and purpose to provide a definition through symbols that reference reality. This is how we can come to master an understanding of reality by being masters of the names or word symbols that reference reality. This is word symbol magic.
Without the abstraction and inference of consciousness to decipher and derive symbols from reality (derivation, differentiation, deduction, i.e. logic), there would simply be everything as one amalgamation. There would be no differences and no different names to refer to different aspects of reality, and there would be no communication about anything.
There is a science and art of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, allegory and analogy. This is the ability to use word symbols, both in writing and speech (rhetoric), to elicit, invoke, summon, inculcate, affect and influence the creation of perceptual images within consciousness. These images can be cast as a spell into consciousness and affect how we think, feel and act. The ability of imagery to elicit emotional responses is strong. Emotions can drive and motivate us to act.
Beliefs can be created through the complexity of the science of imagery and symbolism. Think of reading a book and how the words create images and make you feel. Think of how a priest can make people feel a certain way. Think of a politician doing the same. Those who know and understand how to use imagery and symbolism can manipulate the consciousness of others, have them believe things that are not real, and then get them to act and behave in certain ways based upon those casting of spells in consciousness.
Those who first create the name and definition to imbue, invoke, and summon meaning into a word symbol (i.e. magic), are setting the grounds and foundation for understanding reality within a specific referential framework. This is what language is: a framework and model to reference reality through word symbols. This power to define meaning and imbue the symbol with knowledge of reality, enables mastery over the name and symbol that represents reality.
But is that name or word symbol accurate? To what degree is it accurate? Does it only address and define a partial aspect of that thing, and hide, occult, or encrypt other important aspects of reality through that word because it prevents deeper meaning and understanding?
Do we have the key to unlock the true meaning through a reference to reality? Are we only looking at the definitions given to us? Does the etymology go deep enough? Can we decipher the encoded meaning, definition and purpose of symbols to be a “master of the name”?
We look into etymology to find the true meaning of words. Words are symbols that imbue and encode knowledge about reality. They may be very accurate, but they may be somewhat limited in their depth of expression about reality. They lay the groundwork for the original intent to reflect reality. There can be more to learn in a word than a simple definition.
Those who first created the symbols and imbued them with specific meaning and definition had the original power. Those who can alter meaning and definition of symbols, and have others accept those alteration, also have the power to be masters of names and symbols about reality to control the perception of reality. This is mind control enabling them influence what people do in reality. This is magic that sorcerer manipulators engage in.
Knowing the true meaning and definition of a symbol or name is to know what that symbol is really representing about reality, what it is it really saying. When we know that, then we have the power of the word symbol in our grasp, in our possession, in ownership, in mastery. We become a master of the word symbol, master of the name, to reference reality accurately, and we are then in greater mastery of understanding reality.
To accept an altered meaning of a word is to not use it in its original meaning and definition, in its original power as it was created and imbue with. This can be to reduce meaning and restrict thinking about reality, or maybe the definition is limited and we can improve upon it. That is where the sorcerer’s spell is created, when we accept symbol references to objective reality that then create a subjective unreality (secondary inner-“reality”) and prevents us from seeing the world as it really is.
Images in the mind that reference or imitate reality, can be referenced or imitated through symbols. Symbols in turn can imitate reality and elicit, invoke and summon images in the mind. The more abstract the symbols, such as those of letters and words compared to pictographs, the more differential is the imitation invoked. Letters and words look less like an object in reality, and more altered in form/shape, compared to pictograph direct images of reality.
A circle does not represent a square. A square circle does not exist. Basic symbols have objective meaning in themselves (a circle means something and not another, identity in reality). There is also a certain degree of freedom of meaning through the imagery a symbol can invoke in the mind’s eye. A circle can symbolize “nothingness”, the sun, a mouth, or other ideas).
Pictographic imagery and symbols look most like something in reality. Other qualities can be decoded from basic pictographic symbols in reality (a circle). Basic symbols can combine to become sigils, more complex symbols (many circle, with lines, etc.). Basic shapes can be altered and distorted to create new shapes and symbols.
Languages are made of symbols of abstraction to represent reality, called letters and words. It’s like the imagery of magic we have from fictional works, where they create all these symbols and say some magical words, and that gives them special powers. These fictional allegories are at the very least symbolic for the power of language itself, word symbol magic.
Consciousness is powerful. Words are powerful. Spells cast on consciousness (thoughts and emotions, “mind and “heart”) are powerful mind, thought and emotional control. With the magic of spells (words) and the science of imagery (symbolism), you can get people to accept falsity as truth. You can get people to accept beliefs that will change their behavior and actions to what you want them to do. This is to bend the will of others to your will (sorcery). Word symbol magic spells are a powerful sorcery magic to manipulate our lives and steer us in certain directions, path and ways of living.