Tag Archives: symbolism

The Four Elements and the Elemental Quaternity of Life

The human reality and world we create is a result of the consequences to our actions and deeds that are generated by our thoughts and cares or desires. This is an elemental foundation regarding our ability to create into reality. Symbolism reflects ideas and truths about reality. Truth as a concept is a synonym for reality or existence of what […]

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Trinity of Consciousness Symbolism

Our consciousness perceives objects, events and phenomena in existence. Thoughts and emotions feedback, as internal manifestations of consciousness, to process information stimulus from our environment. Our thoughts and emotions unite to produce our actions. We output a response as action or behavior, the external manifestation of consciousness. To be united in consciousness requires that we think, feel and act in […]

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Anthropomorphism – Cognitive Biases (Pt.5)

Anthropomorphism and personification is taking qualities, aspects, characteristics, properties and attributes of human consciousness (thoughts, emotions, intentions, behavior) or physical forms (body, face, eye), and applying them to non-human entities, real or imagined. Anthropomorphism is seen in recent and older children’s animated movies, children literature, comics, sci-fi, other fiction, and all the way back to ancient mythologies. Anthropomorphism has been […]

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Definitions, Confusion and Chaos – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.8)

Words define how we conceive of what is around us. They allow us to communicate about the world and reality. Word symbols generate images in our perceptual inner-reality to reflect an idea about reality, whether it’s accurate or not, or even exists in reality or not, such as a fantasy belief. Manipulate words, and you manipulate consciousness and perception of […]

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Is Force the Same as Violence?


There is obfuscation and confusion perpetuating society regarding what force means and how that differs from violence. This confusion leads to an inhibition and pacification of the self-defense principle to stand up and defend oneself or others in accordance with Moral Truth/Law and Justice. What is Force? strength, power or energy exerting force against something that resists (adversary) Yes, force […]

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Master of a Name (Word Symbol Magic) – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.7)

To know the true meaning of a word, is to be master of the word, master of the name, and have the power of that symbol to represent reality. Those who can manipulate the meaning of words, will be able to manipulate it’s representation of reality, and therefore manipulate the perception of reality by those who use that word. Reality […]

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The Magic of Definition, Symbols and Language – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.6)

Words Symbols Describe & Reference Reality Etymology is the study of word symbols to know their true meaning as far back as we can trace them in history, as they were intended to mean, and as they were imbued with meaning. These symbols themselves trace back to reality to represent aspects of being in reality (see the previous post on […]

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Thoth (Thought), the Great Magician – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.4)

Master of Spells (Words) and Scribe of the “Gods” Thoth was the writer of symbols, the “god” of writing, wisdom and spells, master of the words of power, the great magician and measurer. Thoth was the ibis-bird “god”. His names varied: Thoth, Tehuti, Tchehuti, Dyehuty, Tehi, Tuat, Taht. He was associated and referred to as: the baboon/kufu ape, the moon, […]

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Magic, Maat and Morality – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.3)

The previous posts [1, 2, 3], dealt with the main demonstration of the power of consciousness, symbolism and word magic to influence and affect consciousness through good will, or evil will-power for the purposes of manipulating and mind controlling others, which, in either case, ultimately leads to behaviors and actions in the world. This post will elaborate on the concept […]

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