Category Archives: Definitions

What is Good or Evil? The Good and Evil Continuum, Spectrum, Scale or Degrees

This is good, that’s not good. This is bad/evil, that’s not bad/evil. Good how? Bad/evil how? Depending on the contextual reality surrounding an action there are ways to determine how to categorize it. For example, the killing of another may be in self-defense against their aggression, or as an act of murder to take the life of someone that wasn’t […]

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Some Complexities about the Word “Natural”

As with many words, the word “natural” has nuances in how we use it to reference aspects of reality.   Our innate capacity to collect materials, and use them without transmutation, is a basic form of natural behavior. We (human animals) evolved the capacity to alter chemical compositions at will through technological developments that are built further away from the […]

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Are You the Author and Authority of Your Authentic Life?

Authority. Is it illusion or fantasy? Is it real or legitimate? Is there no authority? Is there a misrepresentation through lack of clarity? What about authenticity? Do none of these things exist, since they don’t exist in themselves as particular objects in reality? Well, neither does truth… but “it” exists. These representations about reality do exist, because they are expressions […]

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Is Ignorance the Same as Nescience?

Ignorance and nescience may be considered the same, but when looking at the core etymology of each word, we discover that they slightly differ in an important respect. Ignore: To refuse to pay attention to; disregard; take no notice of. Synonyms: snub, brush aside, brush off, discount, dismiss, neglect, pay no attention to, overlook, pass over, shut your eyes to, […]

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Is Force the Same as Violence?


There is obfuscation and confusion perpetuating society regarding what force means and how that differs from violence. This confusion leads to an inhibition and pacification of the self-defense principle to stand up and defend oneself or others in accordance with Moral Truth/Law and Justice. What is Force? strength, power or energy exerting force against something that resists (adversary) Yes, force […]

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