Tag Archives: integrity

Logic, Contradiction and Unity

Logic recognizes contradiction, the real disunity and opposition. Speaking the logic of truth to correct the illogical manifestations brought forth into reality, is the only way to get people to stop manifesting those illogical constructs. It’s not “disunity”, but an actual attempt to bring real, actual, true unity through the only way possible: non-contradiction. Showing people their contradictions by holding […]

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True Freedom and Peace

I am working towards True Freedom and Peace, the top bar, not simply partial freedom and peace, of say only ending human slavery. Partial freedom and peace is about “my freedom”, in only ending evil done to other human animals. True Freedom and Peace is about all freedom and ending slavery and evil everywhere, to stop all of our engagement […]

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Unity and Knowledge

Full Size Image Video Audio Download .mp3: True Unity is Based in Morality Text From Image: Ignorance Promotes False “Unity” – Conformity to Falsity. Knowledge Promotes True Unity – Conformity to Truth. Less awareness of reality is ignorance & less points of possible conflict. Blank page “unity”  is easy, it is a false self “unity.” More awareness of reality is […]

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Falsity and Evil, Pt.2 – Addendum on Neutrality

You can only be in neutral if you isolate yourself from the existing condition and not input more of the same that exists. Stopping to do evil, taking that input out, is wei wu wei, action through non-action. We then can input positive good that will take effect, rather than be muddled with the continued input of evil we have habitually ignored. Doing good while doing evil doesn’t work out in some magical balance. We have to stop more wrongs than we actually need to do other things. The crumbling away of falsity will show the path to Truth.

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Attachment to Concepts

Whatever we invest our time in, we will develop an attachment towards. The more correspondence we develop towards substantiating a concept, the more we will be attached to upholding its veracity. People can believe in bullshit and not let go because they have found many corroborating particulars to sustain its maintenance. Many people induce and impose a belief based on […]

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Interaction, Friendship, Relationships & Getting Along is Based on Ignorance for Most

We get along with people for the most part because we don’t confront people on their wrongs, errors, incorrectness, and false ways of living. That creates conflict, tension and controversy. Most people avoid this. They prefer to build relationships from ignorance of what other people do. Ignore it, and just focus on their “good”, right? Ignore it, and just focus […]

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