Tag Archives: coward

Quality Truth and Distractions

Quality Truth is not about some specific branch of scientific knowledge, or how to build a car or computer. Quality Truth is about substantive reality, about Morality, how we live our lives. The real quality truth is all that is actually required to create True Freedom and Peace. Additional knowledge of reality to artificially manipulate and create new objects is […]

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Attempts to Dismiss Wrong-Doings

When some people are confronted with the wrongs of their ways, of their false living, of their false self, they choose to reject the Truth in favor of maintaining their self-images, self-concepts and ego-personality-identity constructs. They tell others who speak the Truth and Morality that they are being “judgmental”, “unkind”, “offensive”, “self-righteous”, etc. The list of excuses, justifications, denials, deflections, […]

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Unconscious and Unaware

When you are unaware of the wrong you engage in, when you are unaware of the immoral action you do, that means you are living unconsciously. You are unconsciously living out the program another has sold you. You are conditioned, running unconscious programming, thinking it is actually what you are supposed to be doing. Participation, support and consent in the […]

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