Category Archives: Natural Law

Our Universal Duty and Privilege

No matter what our individual lives are like, we all have a universal duty and responsibility to truth and morality. Failure to do so leads to negative consequences as a sort-of self-imposed punishment brought about through ignorance. Aligning with these responsibilities will provide us with the privileges and rewards that comes with living the right way. Try to deny and […]

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Standing Up and Standing Out – The Fear of Ostracism is Worse than Death

The fear of being disliked, not accepted, rejected, shunned, ostracized or expelled from your social connectivity or relationships with others, is a strong motivator to not do certain things. sourceWe don’t steal others lives, sexual selection, personal safety, or property in order to maximize of cooperative survival advantage. We do this mostly because they help us survive, and because they […]

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Standing Up for What is Right, Good and True, is Standing Up for Yourself

When you think of standing up for the truth of a fact, or of what’s really right in the world, you have to think of it as standing up for yourself. Follow with me here… If others believe falsity, it impacts us because those people accept a false reality, and live according to that unreality, essentially bringing false ways of […]

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Learn from Falsity

Interacting with other people allows us to see what they do and say. People will show you their falsity, which allows you to think about and analyze things that contrast, and develop a greater degree of understanding about certain aspects of reality, such as psychology for instance. It also enables us to understand and see more of ourselves and the […]

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