Tag Archives: great work

Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality


Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality Morality is about objectively right and wrong behaviors, which define rules of behavior, and tied to understanding immorality. Moral behaviors are based in right, correct and true rules because they aren’t immoral behaviors which are based in wrong, incorrect and false rules. If something is true in reality, it’s correct […]

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Falsity and Evil, Pt.2 – Addendum on Neutrality

You can only be in neutral if you isolate yourself from the existing condition and not input more of the same that exists. Stopping to do evil, taking that input out, is wei wu wei, action through non-action. We then can input positive good that will take effect, rather than be muddled with the continued input of evil we have habitually ignored. Doing good while doing evil doesn’t work out in some magical balance. We have to stop more wrongs than we actually need to do other things. The crumbling away of falsity will show the path to Truth.

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Destruction and Harmony

Destruction is easier than harmony, but not more powerful. Both are phases in self-realization, alchemical transformation, etc. We can deconstruct the falsity from ourselves, destroy the false self and live more authentic, examined, true lives by harmonizing the purities that remain. That is easier work than the reconstruction of humanity that comes afterward. That reconstruction and coordination into True Unity, […]

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