Category Archives: General

Am I Ignoring Others?

This is a contemplation about ignorance I had a few months ago. — Am I ignoring other people? Are other people ignoring me? I seek to align myself with the truth and come into harmony with reality. When I see ignorance, lies, deception and bullshit I am urged to dispel those lies with truth, otherwise the lies persist and continue […]

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Degrees of Relativity and the Chains of Learned Helplessness

This is a contemplation about universe, multiplicity, diversity, variability, similarity, separation, difference, distinction, relative, relation, relationship, correspondence, comparison, with respect to acquiring an understanding of reality, universe, what ‘is’, truth, with discernment, evaluation, assessment, judgment, identification, etc. This is pretty much to explain how various tools we have work to our advantage and should not be viewed as a negative […]

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