Topic Updates


Changes listed by date for each page topic updated.



Updated: Solipsism

Changes: Added paragraph:

If you cannot face yourself, your shadow, darkness, demon and negatives that has you manifesting wrongdoings and evil behavior, or face those of society, then you are not doing the Great Work, the real hard inner-work to figure out the root causal core foundational factors that have created the reality of the world we currently live in. Getting to the causal source emanation essence of our current condition is the only way to produce the real Wisdom of Right-Action, instead of the foolishness of wrong-action we are currently creating. The central underlying source for our enslavement, is the predator mind-virus of death-dealing, which stems from the disconnection, separation, devaluation and non-identification of others. We first committed violation of rights against other innocent sentient animate beings, nonhuman animals, that progressively degenerated and progressed into more disconnection towards greater degrees of similar human beings. Slavery against other human animals first started with accepting the master-slave relationship, the poisonous diseased ideology, against other nonhuman animals. The only way to true freedom and peace that will last is to eradicate the predator mind-virus at its source. We cannot create true freedom and peace so long as as our other hand is participating in creating evil. We need to fully integrated with the Truth and live connected lives. Believing whatever you want because you don’t want to face this Truth, is solipsism. Enjoy your ignorance, denial and rejection of Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law, etc., if that is what you choose.


Updated: Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law
Changes: Added new section Is Killing the Same as Murder?


Updated: Is Killing the Same as Murder?
Changes: Added 3 paragraphs to the end, about who murder applies to.


Updated: Consciousness and the Brain
Changes: Added new version of Trinity image, with more clarification on the multi-layered symbolism


Updated: Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law
Changes: Added some new info from Mark Passio’s Natural Law Seminar videos

Updated: Illusions of the Senses
Changes: Added Perception Frequency image

Updated: Admit Wrong and Imagine Better
Changes: Added Perception Frequency image

Updated: Worldview and Choices
Changes: Added Perception Frequency image


Updated: Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law
Changes: Added section “The Choice is Ours


Updated: Truth
Changes: Added section “Truth Leads to Right Action