Tag Archives: spell

Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic – Language and Reality Pt.3

The previous articles (Part1, Part 2) have mentioned the importance of thought in perceiving, conceiving, understanding and navigating reality. This especially relates to the existence of those who use their consciousness and thought to manipulate our consciousness and get us to engage in behavior they want us to. Content: 3.1 Think and Verify to Prevent From Being Fooled 3.2 Word […]

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Reality, Unreality and Magic

Reality exists, unreality does not. The unreality of the imagination of our consciousness can become manifested into the reality that does exist. The chair in consciousness can be made from an existing tree. The unreality of the imaginal realm can manifest as reality in a positive sense. Unreality can also manifest to create an unreal reality, an illusory reality, which […]

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Buying into Products

Everything that we have created exists because people buy into it. Someone sells a product or service, and people buy into it. The deeper dimension to this are the “products” of the mind that some have created and sold to others, who have bought into these products of the mind. When we buy into something that ‘is not’ (i.e. is […]

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