Tag Archives: money

A Run on the Bank

We live in a factional reserve banking world, where only a fraction of the money that is created exists as cash. All the money from your paycheck gets deposited as numbers in a bank account, backed by cash, allegedly. You can withdraw cash from your account, and even take out all the money. The problem is if everyone wants to […]

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How Does the Brain Value Moral Choices?

You can judge someone’s (or a particular group’s) understanding of basic morality by whether they are against harming others for personal gain. New research is helping us understand how this basic morality functions in the brain. Published in Nature Neuroscience, the study titled “Moral transgressions corrupt neural representations of value” identifies a neural process that reflects a reduced desire to […]

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Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot

Many people, from employers to employees, believe in the extrinsic motivation of rewards to get people interested in something. This is despite evidence showing the opposite is true. source, sourceMany people think money is most important, or that other people think money is most important, so they try to lead people with a carrot to get them interested in doing […]

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The Origin and Future of Economics – Time, Attention and the Attention Economy

The word economics is related to management. But management of what? Is it only concerning the management of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services? Or is there more to the word economics? Etymology Here are some etymological origins of the word economy: from Greek oikonomikos, oikonomia “household management” from oikos “house, abode, dwelling” + nomos “manage, custom, law, […]

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Where is the True Freedom?

I am forced into economic survivability according to existing opportunities for advancement within a framework which requires me to continually pay for survival, preventing freedom from money in all forms. I am introduced into life through the lives of others, my parents. I have no land, maybe they do. Apart from what they give me, I cannot “own” anything myself […]

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