Tag Archives: animals

Plant Purpose

Plants grow, plants are alive. Plants are not animals. What is a meaning and purpose of plants we can come to understand? Plants are required for animal life to exist. Plants serve the purpose of sustaining animal life on the planet. That is what they are meant to do in order to provide a habitat for higher forms of life: […]

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Psychopaths and Murder of Animal Life

Psychopaths can be created through conditioning them to murder nonhuman animals first. Psychopaths cannot be created through the act of so-called “killing” plants. There is a world of difference between human-animal/nonhuman-animal identity, and animal/plant identity. Conditioning into devaluation of other nonhuman animals creates a disconnection to Natural Law and failure of accurately recognizing other animal’s consciousness and right to freedom […]

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Pseudo-Spiritual Justifications for Immoral Action

Some people believe in pseudo-spiritual ideas that inhibit their understanding. I speak of the “oneness” and “all is consciousness” conceptions. You can recognize the everything that is matter is made of energy and can be likened to the unseen “spiritual” aspect, so everything has an aspect of spirit or consciousness. Animals, plants and minerals. But, in their widening belief, many […]

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Animals and Plants

Ask yourself honestly, if eating animals is healthy then a diet in only animal flesh would be the healthiest (like it is for carnivores).  This is evidently false for us herbivore/frugivore animal body types.  No one eats only animal flesh.  Clearly eating only meat is detrimental to health, otherwise you would be doing it. What about the opposite?  Eating only […]

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Sacred Feminine and Masculine – Ahimsa and Justice

This image represents the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine principles that we can align with and embody in our ways of living. We can choose to change and better ourselves in greater degrees of embodiment of these two components within ourselves that we are all capable of developing. We need to dig deep to the root causal core foundational factors […]

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