Tag Archives: anarchy

The Power of Unbecoming, Apophasis and Wei Wu Wei – Empower Yourself to Change, and Change the World!

New Years brings a focus on change. Doing something new. But, what if there was actually more power, not in doing something new, but in stopping to do something old that you are currently doing? There are many injustices, wrongdoings and immoralities in the world. Many things that are wrong are being supported by many of us, even if we’re […]

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Can we handle the full freedom and responsibility of anarchy? Not yet… but we can learn to!

If you just take people who are conditioned into a certain way of living, and expect them to change and function a different way, without teaching them and helping them “unlearn what they have learned”, as Yoda says, then it’s not going to work too well. Giving people complete freedom, without the knowledge and responsibility developed… does not produce a […]

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Learn from Falsity

Interacting with other people allows us to see what they do and say. People will show you their falsity, which allows you to think about and analyze things that contrast, and develop a greater degree of understanding about certain aspects of reality, such as psychology for instance. It also enables us to understand and see more of ourselves and the […]

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The Origin and Future of Economics – Time, Attention and the Attention Economy

The word economics is related to management. But management of what? Is it only concerning the management of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services? Or is there more to the word economics? Etymology Here are some etymological origins of the word economy: from Greek oikonomikos, oikonomia “household management” from oikos “house, abode, dwelling” + nomos “manage, custom, law, […]

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