Author Archives: Kris Nelson

Inspiration from Destruction, and the False Ideology of “If You Have Nothing ‘Nice’ to Say Then Don’t Say Anything at All”

There’s a “positivity” motto or saying that goes along the lines of: if you have nothing “nice” to say then don’t say anything at all. This false philosophy is a dangerous one in the face of falsity and evil that needs to be changed in order for our overall lives to improve on this planet. Most people don’t find the […]

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‘Balance’ Isn’t What It’s ‘All About’ – Don’t Balance Right with Wrong, Good with Evil

“Balance” implicitly refers to an equalization, an evening out, a middle ground, not more of one or the other but having things be equal. To balance yourself on a beam is to not fall over to the left or right, but to stay in the middle, equally centered. “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright […]

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Let things fix themselves? Everything auto-corrects? No, people make things change.

Engaging in certain actions or behaviors will produce a certain result. Problems are present and are created by certain actions or behavior. If the resulting problem is to be corrected, behavior needs to change. Causes lead to effects or producing certain results. Some causes can be changed to produce different effects or results. Some people don’t want to change. They […]

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