Tag Archives: survival

Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality


Natural Law – The Science of Morality, Part 4: Morality Morality is about objectively right and wrong behaviors, which define rules of behavior, and tied to understanding immorality. Moral behaviors are based in right, correct and true rules because they aren’t immoral behaviors which are based in wrong, incorrect and false rules. If something is true in reality, it’s correct […]

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Quality Truth and Distractions

Quality Truth is not about some specific branch of scientific knowledge, or how to build a car or computer. Quality Truth is about substantive reality, about Morality, how we live our lives. The real quality truth is all that is actually required to create True Freedom and Peace. Additional knowledge of reality to artificially manipulate and create new objects is […]

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Where is the True Freedom?

I am forced into economic survivability according to existing opportunities for advancement within a framework which requires me to continually pay for survival, preventing freedom from money in all forms. I am introduced into life through the lives of others, my parents. I have no land, maybe they do. Apart from what they give me, I cannot “own” anything myself […]

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Survival with Technology

The scientific efficiency of production was able to provide more time for others things. Division of labor, compartmentalization, hierarchy, and co-dependence was further ingrained in our way of living. This conditioning was further deepened with the progression of the scientific efficiency in social sciences, i.e. social engineering through a scientific dictatorship. We were promised more time with this efficiency, and […]

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Pleasure and Power

Pleasure is part of life. Seeking the good and happiness of life at all times would be desired by many if there were no wrongs going on. Then we could be blissful and not have to learn, so they want to believe. But, some people would learn, and learn to manipulate others with knowledge the others lack, and hence a […]

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