Tag Archives: symbols

The Magic of Definition, Symbols and Language – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.6)

Words Symbols Describe & Reference Reality Etymology is the study of word symbols to know their true meaning as far back as we can trace them in history, as they were intended to mean, and as they were imbued with meaning. These symbols themselves trace back to reality to represent aspects of being in reality (see the previous post on […]

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Magic, Abracadabra and the Word – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.1)

This post will continue from the previous The Power of Consciousness – Magic, Magicians and Sorcerers. I will continue to explain aspects of the Power of Consciousness to create, generate and manifest into the Primacy of Existence. For those who are not familiar with philosophical thought and objective comprehension of reality, this means existence comes first, then consciousness emerges as […]

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Language, Reality and the Trivium Method

“Language” is latent within us all, through existing in reality where we develop references to reality, for interactivity, and the expression of ourselves and reality to ourselves and to others. Although, etymologically it is a word derived from the Latin lingua, French langue, the tongue, as the strongest source of expressing language since it contains emotions, tones, attitude, and more […]

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Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.4

I have been describing the development of symbols in reference to reality, and the anthropomorphizing, personification and projection of aspects of ourselves onto reality, in order to make sense of ourselves in relation to reality. This is where the symbolism comes from, trying to relate ourselves to reality to understand ourselves and reality. I posit that much of the symbolism […]

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Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.3

Belief is powerful. Once the influence of language on consciousness, and the connection between symbols and reality, are more deeply understood, the power of consciousness is understood to a greater extent as well. The double-edged sword of consciousness can become more apparent. Higher order consciousness that human animals have is an imagination factory powered by an abstraction engine. Audio: Download […]

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Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.2

The ancient Sun symbolism isn’t about humans being reborn in the religious “afterlife” or “reincarnation” back here. The real power is in being reborn right now, everyday, anytime, whereby we can die to the falsity inside and out, and find the truth in our journey on the path and way through the underworld of initiation into the mysteries of truth/light […]

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Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.1

The primacy of existence to utilize and maximize the power of consciousness is necessary to be understood. First is reality. Second is knowledge from perception. Third are symbols of that knowledge from reality. Fourth are questions about reality from the basics of understanding reality. The meaning and purpose is an extrapolation from the power of abstraction, imagination, induction, intuition and […]

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Symbols, Reality, Knowledge, Belief and Attachment

Symbols and Reality First came reality. Second came knowledge of reality. Third is language about reality, through symbol or word. To create symbols, Nature/Reality must be observed, so that the symbols reflect the natural science of observation in nature and its processes/systems. First symbols are pictographs, then abstract lines and curves. Symbols are analogous references to reality through an image […]

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