Tag Archives: thoth

Thoth (Thought), the Great Magician – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.4)

Master of Spells (Words) and Scribe of the “Gods” Thoth was the writer of symbols, the “god” of writing, wisdom and spells, master of the words of power, the great magician and measurer. Thoth was the ibis-bird “god”. His names varied: Thoth, Tehuti, Tchehuti, Dyehuty, Tehi, Tuat, Taht. He was associated and referred to as: the baboon/kufu ape, the moon, […]

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The Power of Consciousness – Magic, Abracadabra and the Word (Pt.2)

Previously, the word “magic” was identified with meaningful speech, the art of mouth and art of communication, and how knowledge of language, symbolism and word symbols as “magical” influence on consciousness, can be used for positive or negative goals, symbolically personified as a “magician” or “sorcerer”. Then I covered the word abracadabra, and how it means to “create as you […]

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