Tag Archives: nonviolence

Nonviolence and Living “A Life Connected”

Matt Bear talks about nonviolence, Natural Law, social engineering, money, corporations, individual power, and how to align more fully with Natural Law (i.e. Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, True Self, Higher Self, Higher Will, etc.) Doing do no harm as much as we can, because we can choose to embody greater degrees, grades and levels of the Sacred Feminine principle […]

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Do you Eat Like You Care

It is “extreme” not to eat animal products? We maintain that it is not. We argue that if you think animals matter morally—if you reject the idea that animals are just things—your own beliefs require that you stop eating animal products. There is nothing “extreme” about a vegan diet; what is extreme is the inconsistency between what we say we […]

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Is Force the Same as Violence?

There is obfuscation and confusion perpetuating society regarding what force means and how that differs from violence. This confusion leads to an inhibition and pacification of the Sacred Masculine principle of self-defense in alignment with Natural Law. What is Force? – strength or energy – exertion against something that resists What is Violence? – force exerted for the purpose of […]

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