Tag Archives: foundation

Attachment to Concepts

Whatever we invest our time in, we will develop an attachment towards. The more correspondence we develop towards substantiating a concept, the more we will be attached to upholding its veracity. People can believe in bullshit and not let go because they have found many corroborating particulars to sustain its maintenance. Many people induce and impose a belief based on […]

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Unity is Based in Morality

The degree of Truth and Morality embodied in each of our choices, actions and behaviors will determine the degree of True Unity, Freedom and Peace we can achieve collectively. Morality is the foundational baseline for True Unity. All other differences are less significant. Violations of Universal Cosmic Spiritual Natural Moral Law do not result in the production of True Freedom, Peace or Unity.

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Building up Truth from a Foundation and Time to Do it

Richard Feynman explains the process of learning. How to continue to build up the big picture, great pattern, to make correspondences, correlations, and connections between the interlinking parts of various patterns, constructs and frameworks. Time, energy, effort, dedication, persistence, determination. You have to keep going at it, keep walking up the steps, keep on the path towards Truth, up the […]

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Foundational Living and True Unity

– Natural Law Core Foundational Principles of Truth as a Basis for Living. – Foundational Basis & Root Causal Factors for Choices, Actions, Behaviors, Living & Being. – How we create our overall collective conditions through what we accept into ourselves. – The strength, solidity, integrity, quality & groundedness of actions in Truth, Love, Good, etc. – The Root Causal […]

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Natural Law Foundational Living

Natural Law Core Foundational Principles of Truth as a Basis for Living Foundational Basis & Root Causal Factors for Choices, Actions, Behaviors, Living & Being How we create our overall collective conditions through what we accept into ourselves. The strength, solidity, integrity, quality & groundedness of actions in Truth, Love, Good, etc. The Root Causal Factors for the condition of […]

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