Category Archives: Truth

Transcendentals – Truth, Love, Good, etc.

The Trivium book mentions the words ‘res’ and ‘aliquid.’ Looking these terms up there are related concepts associated. This struck a cord with me about the conception I have of the Force of Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law, True Self, Higher Self, Higher Will, Spirit, God, One, All, Source, etc. Different people describing the same thing… “A transcendental […]

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Pseudo-Skepticism, Doubt & Certainty

Pseudo-skeptic: “A person who defers reason and evidence at the behest of institutions and authority figures; especially prone to deferment when persuaded by a biased media outlets presenting experts, and other authority figures, who are actively involved in, or are retired from but still related to an authoritative institution.” Psuedo-skeptics often dismiss information contrary to their world view as conspiracy […]

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Attachment to Concepts

Whatever we invest our time in, we will develop an attachment towards. The more correspondence we develop towards substantiating a concept, the more we will be attached to upholding its veracity. People can believe in bullshit and not let go because they have found many corroborating particulars to sustain its maintenance. Many people induce and impose a belief based on […]

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Subjective Knowledge, Intuition, Insight, Noesis, Gnosis, Nous

Subjective knowledge isn’t “real” knowledge yet, despite all the claims of the “spiritualists” and “new agers” etc. Mere noesis/gnosis, nous, intuition or insight of the subjective knowledge is not enough to qualify for “real” knowledge yet because it comes from imagination and creativity of consciousness, and is only an internal “ring” towards some concept. It can be very true, but, […]

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Interaction, Friendship, Relationships & Getting Along is Based on Ignorance for Most

We get along with people for the most part because we don’t confront people on their wrongs, errors, incorrectness, and false ways of living. That creates conflict, tension and controversy. Most people avoid this. They prefer to build relationships from ignorance of what other people do. Ignore it, and just focus on their “good”, right? Ignore it, and just focus […]

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