Category Archives: Psychology, Consciousness & Thinking

Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot

Many people, from employers to employees, believe in the extrinsic motivation of rewards to get people interested in something. This is despite evidence showing the opposite is true. source, sourceMany people think money is most important, or that other people think money is most important, so they try to lead people with a carrot to get them interested in doing […]

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Consciousness, Causality & Free Will – Aggregately Sowing and Reaping Our Collective Reality

Causality is intimately connected with free will and consciousness. We have great degrees of freedom in our ability to choose what to do and the effect it has upon reality. We are causal agents, sowing the seeds within consciousness that grow into the fruits of our labor through our actions that produce effects into reality. We also reap from reality, […]

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Changing Minds is Hard, Especially When Identity is Attached to a Belief

Presenting evidence or facts doesn’t always get accepted. We can dismiss evidence that contradicts our firmly held beliefs. There is even the backfire effect where we can dig into our belief and hold on tighter than before. source A new study shows that challenging political beliefs activates areas of the brain that govern personal identity and emotional responses to threats. […]

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Know Thyself – The importance of understanding the functionality of consciousness, psyche, mind, self, etc.

Know thyself. Temet nosce (Latin). Gnōthi seauton (Greek). It means know the self or yourself. Why is this important? If someone knows how you function and operate, and what you are likely to do, they can predict with reasonable accuracy what to do, or what situations to create, for you to do what they want you to do. From psychologists, […]

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The Happiness Delusion

Happiness is a delusion? No, not necessarily, but it can be. Controversial title? Yes. What does controversy mean? Let’s start with this side topic before we get to the title of the post, as it is directly linked to it.Latin contra means “opposite, face-to-face, against”. Latin versus/versare means to “change or alter, to turn, turn back, be turned, convert, transform, […]

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Infatuated with Ideas and Beliefs

Ideas captivate our imagination. Ideas, concepts and beliefs are strewn with portraits, snapshots, paintings or film that consciousness creates to visualize them. We may think we are holding onto an idea, yet it’s often the ideas that have us in their grasp and we are shaped by them. Ideas captivate. They are light bulbs (bright idea) that attract us to […]

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Are You the Author and Authority of Your Authentic Life?

Authority. Is it illusion or fantasy? Is it real or legitimate? Is there no authority? Is there a misrepresentation through lack of clarity? What about authenticity? Do none of these things exist, since they don’t exist in themselves as particular objects in reality? Well, neither does truth… but “it” exists. These representations about reality do exist, because they are expressions […]

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Trinity of Consciousness Symbolism

Our consciousness perceives objects, events and phenomena in existence. Thoughts and emotions feedback, as internal manifestations of consciousness, to process information stimulus from our environment. Our thoughts and emotions unite to produce our actions. We output a response as action or behavior, the external manifestation of consciousness. To be united in consciousness requires that we think, feel and act in […]

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Life and Death, Immortality, and Fear. No Death = No Life.

There is currently a lot of desire and attraction towards transhumanism and immortality. It’s being portrayed as some wonderful thing. I don’t view it as such. They want to incorporate technological augmentation into their body, “justified” by their desires, wants, wishes and predilections to “improve” and “overcome” certain aspects of being human they view as “limitations”. They want to extend […]

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