Survival, Choice and Morality
Choice, or survival, does not dictate Morality. Morality is supposed to dictate your choice!
Continue reading »Choice, or survival, does not dictate Morality. Morality is supposed to dictate your choice!
Continue reading »Quality Truth is not about some specific branch of scientific knowledge, or how to build a car or computer. Quality Truth is about substantive reality, about Morality, how we live our lives. The real quality truth is all that is actually required to create True Freedom and Peace. Additional knowledge of reality to artificially manipulate and create new objects is […]
Continue reading »“Be the change you want to see.” Is that it? There is more to it than that. We are limited in some respects in the degree of change we can manifest in this system. I want to create a new way of living, but I can’t do that as things are, as we are all in this together, co-creating the […]
Continue reading »The control system man has created is not the only place where man tries to be “God” and create insane “laws” for others to live by. This also occurs in the closest identification of the family circle. People will invent ludicrous expectations from “family” members, invent “codes” of honor, etc. A father declares that his daughters cannot marry foreigners, the […]
Continue reading »When we realize the power we have, of abdicating from evil, from the immoral aspects of living we accept as “reality”, we can act to remove ourselves from participation in that system of living, to starve it, because we want to create a new system. This is acting as Natural Law Causal Agents to support and stand with Natural Law, […]
Continue reading »People fail to see reality for what it is, because they are not looking at it objectively in a detached manner. People will try to find Truth through the lens of attachment to their own specific behavior. The only way to determine real Truth is to be detached from yourself, your actions, behaviors, self-image and worldview. That is objective appraisal […]
Continue reading »Some people want solutions. When you talk about solutions, they don’t understand how they can work, or reject them outright. Some people can’t handle solutions yet because they are still attached to maintaining the current way of living. Then you try to talk to them about the problem so they can understand what is wrong and why it needs to […]
Continue reading »We can live in childlike playfulness with the innocence of nescience of evil and enjoy life, if we live in Natural Moral Law and do no serious wrongs against others. Imagine if evil were removed, and no longer visible, no longer learned in behavior, then no one could copy it, and nescience of evil emerges along with a state of innocence. […]
Continue reading »In order to find the True Self in a society of false living, solitary time is required. Constantly reinforcing the social programming by immersing ourselves in it’s constructs will not allow us to find the True Self within. We need to take time to learn about Truth. Most people focus on relationships and maintaining them. They work within the social […]
Continue reading »Here we are in society, with the requirements to engage in some form of economic survivability. 99% of the options are limitations of our potential. They are required cogs in a machine for it to run as it currently runs. We are then required to take up a position in the cog, after we are trained and indoctrinated, through outcome-based […]
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