Tag Archives: life

Hard Questions

Do you understand reality? How much have you looked into things? Do you understand how the way we live is based in falsity? Do you recognize problems and evil in the world? Do you care to learn about these evils and problems? Do you care to remove evil? Do you care to learn and find out what causes evil? Do […]

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Importance of Thought Continued (book excerpt)

Of course the physical labour on any project is absolutely necessary, but nothing can displace the primacy of thought. Thoughtlessness. Thought is capable of foreseeing any kind of accident. In thought there are no unforeseen situations. Yet all sorts of accidents and irregularities do happen. Why? Because of haste in turning the project into material reality; not allowing it to […]

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Time, Freedom and Thought – Importance of Thought (book excerpt)

“In the context of your technocratic society, Vladimir, Man’s thought is enslaved by the limits and conventions of this world. In fact, the technocratic world can only exist when the freedom of Man’s thought is nullified and the energy of his thought is absorbed by it.” “Something’s not clear to me here. Every Man over his lifetime can do a […]

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Ignorance and Life

If you are ignorant of information, you do not have exposure to it. You are not aware of it even existing to consider its validity and veracity. I speak of quality information, either regarding positive true knowledge or negative false knowledge. In terms of your perception of reality, there are pieces missing. If you have a puzzle set, a failure […]

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Good and Evil in Being

Truth Level 1 is that which ‘is’. Whatever exists in our reality, ‘is’, is a being in our reality, and is a part of the truth of our reality. Truth Truth Level 2 is the ultimate Force of Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, etc., which ‘is’ as well, but exists beyond the limitations of the material physical reality, and can be referred to as the transcendental being.

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True Happiness

People say they want to be happy. People think happiness is the goal in life and that is what they work towards. First of all, happiness and pleasure are not the purpose in life. They happen as a result of the purpose in life. The purpose in life is to live morally. Do you want to live in happiness and […]

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Just a Journey?

It’s not all just “a journey” and let people be where they are, letting them move at their own pace. That is bullshit acceptance of letting the current condition continue as it is, not acting against that entropic force of stagnation and death. Change is always occurring. Our life and journey will constantly involve healing, it never ends. The issue […]

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