Category Archives: Authority

Perceived Power and Authority from Wearing a Police Uniform Affects How We View Ourselves and Others

Do appearances matter? They sure do for most of us, unfortunately all too much. Many of us judge people on superficial qualities when we encounter their appearances: if they are groomed, shaven, have a haircut, have nice clothes, have a nice car, have a nice house, have a nice job, etc. One of the most powerful influences is what people […]

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Are You the Author and Authority of Your Authentic Life?

Authority. Is it illusion or fantasy? Is it real or legitimate? Is there no authority? Is there a misrepresentation through lack of clarity? What about authenticity? Do none of these things exist, since they don’t exist in themselves as particular objects in reality? Well, neither does truth… but “it” exists. These representations about reality do exist, because they are expressions […]

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Standing Up and Standing Out – The Fear of Ostracism is Worse than Death

The fear of being disliked, not accepted, rejected, shunned, ostracized or expelled from your social connectivity or relationships with others, is a strong motivator to not do certain things. sourceWe don’t steal others lives, sexual selection, personal safety, or property in order to maximize of cooperative survival advantage. We do this mostly because they help us survive, and because they […]

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Conspiracy Reality: Governments Are Involved in Drug Dealing

Hearing that the government, specific agencies or people in power, are involved in activity they are hired to stop (like drug dealing), is hard for some to accept. We grow up believing good people get into positions of authority like government, police, and other sectors of the “establishment”. That they protect and serve the rest of us in society. Liars […]

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Exceeding the Limits of Interaction in a Community Leads to Control

Social cooperation, harmony and integrity upon values, and having your voice heard and represented unanimously, are based upon the interaction each member as with others. There are limits to this interaction based on the amount of people in a community. The larger the community, the less someone’s voice can be heard in a fair unanimous representation. There is only a […]

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Duty and Privilege

Duties and privileges. It seems the control system is big on this methodology. Where does this concept come from? Could this be mirrored from an existing positive pathway?  Yes. Nature! Existence! Video Audio Download .mp3: Duty and Privilege We have duties and responsibilities to Truth and Morality, to Natural Laws. Aligning with these responsibilities will provide us the privileges and […]

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