Tag Archives: time

Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic – Language and Reality Pt.3

The previous articles (Part1, Part 2) have mentioned the importance of thought in perceiving, conceiving, understanding and navigating reality. This especially relates to the existence of those who use their consciousness and thought to manipulate our consciousness and get us to engage in behavior they want us to. Content: 3.1 Think and Verify to Prevent From Being Fooled 3.2 Word […]

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Importance of Thought Continued (book excerpt)

Of course the physical labour on any project is absolutely necessary, but nothing can displace the primacy of thought. Thoughtlessness. Thought is capable of foreseeing any kind of accident. In thought there are no unforeseen situations. Yet all sorts of accidents and irregularities do happen. Why? Because of haste in turning the project into material reality; not allowing it to […]

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Time, Freedom and Thought – Importance of Thought (book excerpt)

“In the context of your technocratic society, Vladimir, Man’s thought is enslaved by the limits and conventions of this world. In fact, the technocratic world can only exist when the freedom of Man’s thought is nullified and the energy of his thought is absorbed by it.” “Something’s not clear to me here. Every Man over his lifetime can do a […]

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Ease of Living

The ease of living is creating more enslavement rather than freeing us. We should be using our extra time, from the comfort and ease of living, to pursue Truth and justice, but we are too comfortable in our conveniences that we seek more selfish pleasure pursuits to increase the comfort and convenience even more. We also justify the self-imposed chains […]

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Building up Truth from a Foundation and Time to Do it

Richard Feynman explains the process of learning. How to continue to build up the big picture, great pattern, to make correspondences, correlations, and connections between the interlinking parts of various patterns, constructs and frameworks. Time, energy, effort, dedication, persistence, determination. You have to keep going at it, keep walking up the steps, keep on the path towards Truth, up the […]

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