Tag Archives: perception

Windows of Perception

The default conditioned perceptual window that most of us view our surroundings from creates a fictional worldview and has us “seeing” semblances or proxies for “good”, “order”, “freedom” and “peace”. We then take these false proxies as the real thing. The perceptual veil and illusion of reality has us abdicating our personal responsibility. The system is constructed to insulate us […]

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Truth, Perception, Reality and Dualism

Alignment of our perception and consciousness with the truth of reality is required to evolve consciousness and increase our capacity to navigate reality as it is. There are many deceptions and false perceptions of right that veils the wrong way we are currently living. Using dualistic conceptual frameworks can help us understand the variability, multiplicity and diversity in existence.

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Moral Right and Moral Relativism

Doing Right over Wrong, is our Response-Ability, which requires Awareness, through Perception/Conception, of Reality. Doing wrong over right usually means a lack of awareness of reality. We lack awareness of reality and have created inaccurate conceptions in our consciousness that allows us to validate our actions and behaviors. We are content doing what we do because that is the reality […]

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Objective Detachment (Addendum)

When trying to uncover Truth, honestly, you need to detach from who you think you are, all your justifications and validations for what you do, why you do it, etc. You need to look at Truth without association to yourself, without subjective attachment to yourself and your life. Looking at Truth must be objective, otherwise, your personal preferences, life choice, […]

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Judgments and Reality

Much like how alchemy, the trivium, logic, and Natural Law are a part of life that we automatically engage in, so too is psychology, as our consciousness/psyche/mind/heart is part of our existence until we die. Now, all these tools for understanding and navigating reality and ourselves can be developed, unfortunately, most people do not seek to develop these tools and […]

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