Tag Archives: negative

Shatter, Destroy and Stop the Falsity

A central component in life that many people ignore, is the importance of facing the negative. There is negative, falsity, wrong, immorality and evil in our world. If not perceivable directly in our immediate personal lives, there are negative manifestations in our society and the world. Seeing reality with rosy-colored glasses and a positivity mask is to live in denial […]

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Perpetuating Wrong Through Feel-Good Attachment and Fear

People are convinced that perpetuating their own self-enslavement by voting masters to run aspects of their life, is a “good”, “moral” and “responsible” action. Trying to negate this reality with direct truth often creates the backfire effect where people reject the deeply contrasting and contradictory truth in favor of their attached falsities. They think they are good, especially doing action […]

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Quality Truth and Distractions

Quality Truth is not about some specific branch of scientific knowledge, or how to build a car or computer. Quality Truth is about substantive reality, about Morality, how we live our lives. The real quality truth is all that is actually required to create True Freedom and Peace. Additional knowledge of reality to artificially manipulate and create new objects is […]

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Belief and Disbelief

Belief is easier than disbelief. To remove the introduction of a concept requires effort, as it is more active than the passive assimilation of perceptual input, and the passive continual acceptance of retaining a concept. If you can easily explain away any confusion in reality, you most likely lack knowledge and have beliefs that forbid nothing, everything is resolvable by […]

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Betterment, Wrong and Fear of Truth

We are not perfect, nor will we ever be. We can work towards our aspiration of the infinite potential perfection, to improve, better and evolve ourselves. A way to achieve more betterment, evolution, goodness, etc. is to remove that which is not good for us. This is the apophatic path. Knowledge of wrong will allow us to actualize the potential […]

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Attachment to Concepts

Whatever we invest our time in, we will develop an attachment towards. The more correspondence we develop towards substantiating a concept, the more we will be attached to upholding its veracity. People can believe in bullshit and not let go because they have found many corroborating particulars to sustain its maintenance. Many people induce and impose a belief based on […]

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Apophatic, Negative, Deconstructive and Vitriolic Path to Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law

This is the apophatic way, wei wu wei, the negative path towards Truth and becoming. It is saying “NO”, stopping to do what is wrong, and more right can be embodied as a result. It is shattering, dissolving, destruction and deconstruction of falsity, lies, deceptions, illusions and bullshit. This is what Truth does, it tears down the barriers of consciousness […]

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