Tag Archives: balance

‘Balance’ Isn’t What It’s ‘All About’ – Don’t Balance Right with Wrong, Good with Evil

“Balance” implicitly refers to an equalization, an evening out, a middle ground, not more of one or the other but having things be equal. To balance yourself on a beam is to not fall over to the left or right, but to stay in the middle, equally centered. “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright […]

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Trinity of Consciousness Symbolism

Our consciousness perceives objects, events and phenomena in existence. Thoughts and emotions feedback, as internal manifestations of consciousness, to process information stimulus from our environment. Our thoughts and emotions unite to produce our actions. We output a response as action or behavior, the external manifestation of consciousness. To be united in consciousness requires that we think, feel and act in […]

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Magic, Maat and Morality – The Power of Consciousness (Pt.3)

The previous posts [1, 2, 3], dealt with the main demonstration of the power of consciousness, symbolism and word magic to influence and affect consciousness through good will, or evil will-power for the purposes of manipulating and mind controlling others, which, in either case, ultimately leads to behaviors and actions in the world. This post will elaborate on the concept […]

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Ka-Maat, Karma, Wheel of Life

Rotation, Cycle and Wheel of Time, Fortune, Fate, Destiny, Dharma, Karma and Life. The Circle of Life we create into the future, from past actions in reality, turned by desires, thoughts, deeds and their resulting manifestations in reality. The 4 Elements are the basis for generation in reality. Rta-Rota, the “chariot” (of the gods), with the “solar bark” traveling through […]

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“You MUST Meditate!” LOL

Some ignorant people, who are imbalanced themselves, claim “you can’t become balanced unless you meditate”. Some people think that as long as you meditate, it automatically means you are balanced… like them, because they meditate… LOL. That would be like me saying that as long as you take an entheogen, you are balanced.  Each tool can be used to help […]

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Consciousness and the Cerebral Hemispheres

Our consciousness, as it is manifesting through the faculties of the brain, is the underlying causal factor of what generates our experience by the expressions of our thought, emotion and action. In this sense the external world we contribute to and co-create is truly a reflection of what is going on inside of us as we manifest outwards through our actions. If the physiological component (brain) through which consciousness is able to manifest in this experience is not functioning properly, we don’t engage in much higher order thinking.

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