Aggregate Sowing and Reaping

We’re all in this together. Our actions affect others and their actions affect us. As one suffers we all suffer.

As we and others sow, so shall we and others reap.

Manifesting consciousness produces effects in the world. Each individuated unit of consciousness is a portion or segment of will. Alignment of our will with Higher Will produces Right-Action.

Effects produced go out into the world and interact with other manifestations to reciprocally affect us all. Rejection of Truth, Morality & Natural Law Will reciprocates as chaos or entropy.

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Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness is when thoughts, emotions and actions are not conflicting. As we think, so we feel, and so we do. Our actions do not betray our words, thoughts or feelings. For additional information and partial explanation, please see earlier articles on consciousness: Consciousness and the Brain Consciousness and the Cerebral Hemispheres Unity Consciousness – HighQuality PDF Click for larger […]

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The Power of Truth

The Power of Truth (Introduction) By William George Jordan Source TRUTH is the rock foundation of every great character. It is loyalty to the right as we see it; it is courageous living of our lives in harmony with our ideals; it is always—power. Truth ever defies full definition. Like electricity it can only be explained by noting its manifestation. […]

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Sacred Feminine and Masculine – Ahimsa and Justice

This image represents the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine principles that we can align with and embody in our ways of living. We can choose to change and better ourselves in greater degrees of embodiment of these two components within ourselves that we are all capable of developing. We need to dig deep to the root causal core foundational factors […]

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Building up Truth from a Foundation and Time to Do it

Richard Feynman explains the process of learning. How to continue to build up the big picture, great pattern, to make correspondences, correlations, and connections between the interlinking parts of various patterns, constructs and frameworks. Time, energy, effort, dedication, persistence, determination. You have to keep going at it, keep walking up the steps, keep on the path towards Truth, up the […]

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