Author Archives: Kris Nelson

Apophatic, Negative, Deconstructive and Vitriolic Path to Truth, Love, Good, Right, Morality, Natural Law

This is the apophatic way, wei wu wei, the negative path towards Truth and becoming. It is saying “NO”, stopping to do what is wrong, and more right can be embodied as a result. It is shattering, dissolving, destruction and deconstruction of falsity, lies, deceptions, illusions and bullshit. This is what Truth does, it tears down the barriers of consciousness […]

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Pseudo-Spiritual Justifications for Immoral Action

Some people believe in pseudo-spiritual ideas that inhibit their understanding. I speak of the “oneness” and “all is consciousness” conceptions. You can recognize the everything that is matter is made of energy and can be likened to the unseen “spiritual” aspect, so everything has an aspect of spirit or consciousness. Animals, plants and minerals. But, in their widening belief, many […]

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Focus on New Wonder, Ignore & Maintain the Current/Old Disease

Stop making “new” things, stop making machines, stop making weapons, stop making AI’s, stop making robots, just stop it all you madmen obsessed with the control over life. The control over their own lives and the lives of others, obsessed with the over-man, superman, new-man, cybernetic man, cyborg-man, immortal-man. These are diseased infections of the mind, a mind-virus, that does […]

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Cogs in the Machine – Willing Slaves to Feed the Golem

Our constructibility is directed towards the available market of employment to provide us with monetary compensation for work done. We could be putting our time, attention and energy into truly furthering humanity, but we are being directed into specific avenues of progression towards an end people do not see. Most jobs are useless and only provide a market for imbalanced […]

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Obsession with Appearances and Cleaning

Many people have mind-viruses of the “need” for “cleanliness” to achieve the desired external appearance. Look at what their mind and focus is on, the “need” to clean things, because it’s not up to their “normalized”, “standardized” “acceptable” aesthetic level. – the “need” to clean the fridge – the “need” to clean the windows – the “need” to clean the […]

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When I say something is “brilliant”, it is “bright”, it is shining intense light of Truth onto the bullshit falsity and expelling it. Speaking the Truth casts aside the lies, just as a light shining into a dark room casts the darkness from its path, showing us the Way and Path to the Wisdom of Right-Action. Brilliance

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Fear of Truth

People are afraid of Truth. They fear the contrast and contradiction that Truth will bring into their accepted ways of living and being. Truth forces people to face themselves. Truth disturbs and puts pressure on the falsity in your life and makes you confront it. Truth is your enemy when you Fear looking into unpleasant things. It will act against […]

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